part vi. worthwhile.

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For the first time in his life, Jeon Jungkook knows what it's like to be foolishly in love. 

He thought everything was perfect after their date in his home, yet days passed and he didn't get a message back. In fact, she hadn't even opened his text message, which was unlike him.

Had he done something wrong? 

In every spare moment, he finds himself overthinking wondering what it was that he said that scared her away. Worse, he wondered whether something was wrong— was she unwell physically? Had she gotten into an accident? 

Jeon Jungkook remembers times in his high school life, when some of the best athletes in his cohort gave up their early careers for a significant other and how stupid he thought they were, but now, at that moment, he was doing the same. 


Kim Namjoon puts him to the side and asks him what's wrong. When Jeon Jungkook spills his heart to his captain (but not only that but his lifelong friend and mentor), Kim Namjoon tells him simply.

"When it comes to things like this, you need to know when to keep trying, but also— when to gracefully let something, or someone, go."

He wonders whether it's even possible when he'd already fallen deeply in love with her.

"I'm not saying she's not worth it, but don't forget that next week's match will make or break our team's chance of going international," the older gentleman reminds him, "... even if it's hard, please remember it's not just you— but the whole team, who worked so hard for this moment."

Perhaps, Kim Namjoon was right.


On one hand, Lalisa Manoban understands her. 

The pair weren't just best friends, but they were sisters. She'd grown up with Park Chaeyoung since she was eight years old and even stayed during her emo pre-tween phase. More so, she was there for her when her parents had died suddenly and had seen the darkness that surrounded the girl since. 

One of her most vivid memories was of a time when it was parent-teacher interviews. It hadn't been even a month since her parents had died, and Lalisa Manoban's parents came in their place. 

She remembers the intense sadness on her face as she watched all the other parents who were gathered, some praising their children loudly over a good report while others were scolding them. 

Park Chaeyoung, barely 16 years old at the time turned to her with the saddest expression she could even paint at saying, "... I'd do anything to hear them come back and nag at me, just one last time."

Lalisa Manoban knows that she's a fighter. How else could she turn a tragedy into art in such a beautiful way? She remembers the pride she felt the day she opened her tattoo studio, thinking that surely her parents were looking down on her with nothing but pure delight. 

And because she knew, and she knew that Park Chaeyoung had never really healed, she knows she shouldn't push. 

She knows that Jeon Jungkook is a great guy, perhaps even perfect, but if her best friend wasn't ready, she knew she couldn't push her.

But when Lalisa Manoban gets a direct message from a certified social media account, she can't help but reply. 

jeonjungkook: hi lisa, it's me jungkook. just wanted to know if everything with chaeyoung is fine? it's okay, if she's not interested in me, just want to make sure she's okay. if i did something wrong, please let me know so i can apologise about it sincerely. greatly appreciate!

Park Chaeyoung begged her previously to respect her decision to ghost, but Lalisa Manoban cannot help.

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