part viii. sanctuary.

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Jeon Jungkook simply listens as she pours her heart onto him and he knows, just by the way she's looking at him that she'd been holding onto everything alone for far too long. 

He wonders whether he's the first person she'd let in (outside of Lalisa Manoban, of course), thinking that it must've been painful to go through life alone. 

To be frank, he doesn't know how much time passes, and to be honest, he doesn't really care. All he cares for is her, and he certainly wouldn't mind sitting there for the rest of his life if it meant she'd gotten a sense of relief and healing. Eventually, she stops, and a sheepish smile forms across her lips as she wipes the tears with the back of her sleeves.

He can't help but stare in awe, mouth slightly agape. 

Jeon Jungkook believes that she's the most beautiful person on earth, her nose slightly red from all the crying and the shy and slightly embarrassed expression on her face. 

"I'm sorry, that's so embarrassing," she whispers, moving her hands over her face to hide from the mental torment.

He reaches for her hands and moves them to her lap, "... Chaeyoung, it's nothing to be ashamed of, thank you for trusting me.

Park Chaeyoung leans in, and he swears she's about to kiss him before her lips fall to his cheek., "... thank you for being patient with me."

Before he could respond, she gets up, excusing herself to the bathroom, "... I need to fix myself up a bit, feel free to refill the wine while you wait." 

He can't help but have a stupid smirk on his face as he watches from behind as she quickly rushes to the bathroom, slightly dragging her own feet. 

Jeon Jungkook does something he rarely does while he waits, reaching for his phone, he types a few words. Hearing her story, he thinks that he too, needs to do better and live life without regrets.

[To: Mum]
I'm sorry I didn't answer your call, I'll call you tomorrow morning.
I love you.


When Park Chaeyoung comes back from the bathroom, she notices him looking intently at the photo album. 

"I was so cute as a kid, don't you think?" She jokes as she takes a seat beside him, reaching for her wine glass and taking a sip.

He chuckles, smiling at her before flipping through the photos again, "... very cute. That much hasn't changed much. You look a lot like your father."

She nods, "... as a baby, I looked exactly like my mother, but as I grew up, I began to look like my father."

"What were they like?" He questions her, "... I wonder where you get your charm from."

Park Chaeyoung gently hits the side of his shoulder, "... both of them. My parents were both artists, but they travelled around Asia a lot and held exhibitions. That's why we moved from New Zealand to Seoul since it's easier to travel." 

"Ah, no wonder you're so creative," he comments, "... do you have a hand for painting too?" 

Park Chaeyoung chuckles, shaking her head, "... I did, but I haven't touched a paintbrush since they died."

He nods, thinking that it must've been hard for her, even after all these years.

"Do you want to see their work?" She questions him. 

"I'd like that."


Jeon Jungkook thought that perhaps, she had photos. Or that some of the minimalist pieces in her home would be of her parents.

He was wrong.

She tells him to put on his coat and jacket as she quickly rushes to her room, taking out a coat and some keys. 

"Are we going somewhere?" He asks her, clearly a stupid question.

"It's not a long walk," she tells him, "... no one been here except for me, even Lisa."

It all happens so quickly, soon she guides him out of the lobby and through the street as they make their way through a few streets. The weather is cold, with the wind hitting against his skin but it doesn't seem to bother her as she walks quickly.

Jeon Jungkook reaches his hand out to hers, intertwining them together.

"You're walking too fast, I'll get lost," he lies, a wide grin on his lips.

"You're such a bad liar," she rolls her eyes, but her cheeks turn pink in return as she tightens her grip around his.

"You don't seem to mind though," he teases.

Soon, they stand in front of a neighbourhood that has lofts. She points to one.

"This used to be my parent's studio, where they prepared for exhibitions in town," she informs him before leading him inside.

Words cannot describe what he sees. As soon as she turns on the lights, it's like a new world entirely.

Various pieces were hanging on the walls, and the centre was a big table that he assumes is where they worked. Some art was simple and clean looking, while others were grand and full of emotions. 

His mouth drops in complete astonishment as he looks around, inspecting the pieces but careful not to touch them.

"These are your parents' work?" He reconfirms. 

He can hear her voice from afar, "... these were their final pieces, they were working on a show in Cambodia." 

He nods, in awe, "... it's amazing." 

Somehow, he feels every emotion in each brush stroke and feels as though each painting had a story. 

As he continues to walk, he notices an unfinished piece. 

"This is the one they were working on, the final piece," she informs him, "... I used to sit here and stare at it a lot, especially when I'm confused or worried. Somehow, I feel like they're still here with me."

"I can assure you that they're looking down at you with complete admiration and pride, Chaeyoung," he tells her.

"My relatives have told me that I should sell this building, prices are really attractive right now," she informs him, "... but I can't let it go, I'll rather pay the maintenance monthly, rather than let go of this place. It's my sanctuary."

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