part xii. forever.

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"This will be the calm before the storm," speaks one of Jeon Jungkook's helpers, who's busy preparing fresh juice on the countertop beside her as she helps assemble the breakfast sandwiches, "... we always complain about it, but when he's away for long periods, we secretly miss it. Don't tell him we said that though."

She lets out a giggle, thinking that it was nice that the staff cared for her boyfriend dearly, she could see, "... how long have you worked for Jungkook?" 

"Since he was a baby, I worked for his father as one of the cleaners, he asked for my permanent help with his wife was pregnant," she informs her before taking a final glance at the clock to see that it was about the time where the team would likely come downstairs for breakfast, "... let's bring it all to the table." 

At the mention of his parents, it finally dawns on her that she didn't know anything about them. She realises only then that any time she'd ask, he's changed the topic, or answered vaguely. 

Still, she decides not to pry. Perhaps he had his reasons. She too believed that he'll tell her when the time was right.

As she begins moving the plates onto the long dining table, she feels hands wrapped around her from behind, and a heavy head against her shoulder. She blushes, feeling his firm body against her back.

"Mhmm, why are you up so early," he mumbles, still sleepy, "... you should rest more." 

"I wanted to help," she explains, turning around and facing him, seeing the way his hair was dishevelled, and eyes slightly puffy, "... besides, it's not easy to feed an entire baseball team, especially the best team in the country."

"World," Kim Namjoon, the captain's voice corrects as he and the others make their way downstairs, "... as long as your boyfriend keeps focused, we'll make it to the world rankings."

The comments earn cheers from the other boys, and as predicted, it became chaos really quickly. All the food that the pair had meticulously prepared was almost finished within a blink of an eye, as some of the boys quickly dismissed themselves earlier to shower (and finish packing) while others moved to the living room for the latest briefing with the captain. 

It's only then that she realises that he's still wrapped around her, a little clingy if she could say so.

"Babe, you should eat," she tells him.

He nods before leaning in, a deep inhale through his nose before he kisses her forehead, "... thank you for breakfast darling." 

His helper jokingly chimes in, "... you never kiss me thank you."

With a mischievous glint in his eyes, he turns, pouting his lips to the older woman, "... all you had to do was ask."

She can't help but find it endearing only quickly, Kim Namjoon comes to the kitchen to warn everyone that they need to leave in half an hour for pictures at the airport.

Looking panicked, she quickly taps on his shoulder, realising that he was sitting down, not even beginning to touch his food.

"Go get ready, I'll pack your food to go for the drive," she tells him. 

"Chaeyoung," he holds his hand out to her, his thumb gently swiping against her elbow, "... is everything sorted with the studio." 

She wonders, how did she get such a perfect boyfriend? 

He was moments away from the most important trip of his career, and there he was, worried for her.

She nods, before assuring him, "... the dance studio next door is closed on Mondays so we'll use it for today."

"How about after that?" He asks her. 

She sighs, "... still working on that." 

"I was thinking last night," he tells her, "... there's so much space in my house, if you need to use it you can. The staff would love company too."

Park Chaeyoung feels touched. 

She leans in and kisses him on the lips, but quickly pulls away knowing that they needed to rush.

"Thank you, babe," she smiles at him, "... but that'll be my last resort, I don't want to trouble you, besides, the staff deserve a break too. I'm a capable woman, I'll figure it out."

He chuckles, "... did they tell you about how stressed they get accommodating the team when they sleep over."

"Maybe," she quips before pushing him away, "... now go."

"I'll drop you off before I go," he informs her.

She raises a brow, "... aren't you already late." 

Before he could respond, Kim Namjoon comes in, "... it's okay Chaeyoung. The youngest is always late, it'll be weirder if he actually showed up on time."


"I packed you vitamins when you were showering," she recounts, "... but what if I put it in the wrong bag? Please check as soon as you arrive and let me know if it's in your suitcase, I'll have them delivered if not in case you get sick while you're away."

Jeon Jungkook simply chuckles, finding it cute how panicked his girlfriend was, "... I'll survive even if they're not there babe, don't worry."

He holds his hand out and squeezes it, watching as she turns to him with a sheepish smile. 

She was embarrassed. 

"What's wrong?" He notices something in her eyes.

Suddenly, the car stops and they're in front of her studio.

"It's nothing, I need to go," she tells him, "have a safe flight babe." 

He holds his hand out, not letting her leave.

"Mr. Young, can you give us a moment?" He looks at his driver, who nods and steps out of the car.

"What's wrong? Tell me so I can fix it," he assures her, seeing the way she was clearly upset.

"I don't know, I'm being irrational," she explains, taking a deep breath before tears start falling from her eyes, "... I think I'll miss you while you're gone."

It was at that moment that he felt his heart melt, wondering whether he should just give up his career. 

Instead, he leans in, hugging her close, "... I'm sorry, let's video call every day okay darling?"

All he knows is that when he gets to the plane with the rest of his teammates, he can only think of one thing.

She was his forever.

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