Chapter 7: What have I got myself into?

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For years, I had suppressed my desire to express myself in a more feminine way. But today, something had changed. I had finally mustered up the courage to let go of my inhibitions and embrace my true self.

As I stood there, admiring my reflection, an idea popped into my head. My parents wouldn't be back for another five weeks, which meant that I had the opportunity to continue exploring my feminine side without any judgment or scrutiny from them. I knew that this change was better for me mentally and emotionally, so I decided to take advantage of this rare opportunity.

Without hesitation, I hopped back onto Discord and started chatting with strangers. It was liberating to be able to express myself authentically and share my thoughts and feelings with others. I was on there till midnight, talking to anyone who would listen and enjoying the newfound sense of freedom that came with being true to myself.

Just as I was about to call it a night, I received a friend request from Randall. I hesitated for a moment, wondering if I should accept it or not. But I ultimately decided that it wouldn't do me any harm, so I accepted the request.

Feeling exhilarated, I decided to have a shower before going to bed. As I stepped out of the shower, I couldn't resist the urge to put on my feminine accessories. I wore the eyelashes and applied a small amount of makeup, knowing that I was going to sleep. I then went through Emma's closet to search for some nightwear that would make me feel more feminine.

I found this nice red lingerie, I don't know why my sister had it, but I guess I'll wear it for tonight. It came with a red pantyhose and it looked perfect on me. That day was going to be one of my most memorable days. I wore the lingerie and was about to go to bed when I got another notification on my phone, it was a snap from Randall. It was a picture of him shirtless in bed, I sent him a mirror selfie of me in my red lingerie saying "Good night" and went to sleep.

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