Chapter 32: Halloween Party

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A few days later, Mik asked me if we should have a Halloween party. As soon as Mik suggested we host a Halloween party, my heart raced with excitement. I had never experienced Halloween as Olive before, and I was eager to embrace this new side of me with a fun and wild celebration. We wasted no time and started planning the party right after work, calling up our friends and arranging everything from decorations to food and music.

Flynn, suggested his friend who was a DJ, and I quickly agreed to the idea. We had everything under control, and in just a few days, our Halloween party was all set to take off. It was my first time hosting such a big party, and I was nervous, but with Mik by my side, I knew I could handle anything.

The four of us - Mik, Flynn, Wyatt, and I - decided to go costume shopping together. We had to find the perfect Halloween costumes to stand out and make a statement at our party. Mik and Flynn were looking for a duo costume, and Wyatt and I were searching for something that would match. As we walked down the aisles of the costume store, our eyes darted from one outfit to another, trying to find the right one.

Finally, after what felt like hours, Wyatt and I stumbled upon the perfect duo costume. I chose a pink bunny costume with a bra top and a short skirt, and long bunny ears that stood tall above my head. Wyatt, being the creative person he is, decided to go as a carrot, complete with a bright orange bodysuit and a green stem sticking out of his head.

As we headed back to our apartment, I couldn't help but feel giddy with excitement for the party. "I can't wait for everyone to see our costumes!" I exclaimed, giggling with excitement.

The Halloween party was in full swing, and our house was packed with people. The music was blaring, and everyone was dancing and having a great time.

As the night went on, I noticed Wyatt's sister, Naomi, standing alone in the corner. It had been awkward between us ever since she walked in on us sleeping together, but I knew I needed to make things right. I walked up to her with a drink and asked if I could join her.

"Hey Naomi, how are you doing?" I asked.

"I'm doing okay," she replied, taking a sip of her drink.

"I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for what happened. I hope we can put it behind us and move on," I said, hoping to break the ice.

"Thanks, Olive. I appreciate that," she said, smiling at me.

We talked for a while, and I got to know her better. It turns out that she and Wyatt were twins, which I never knew before. They weren't identical, so it was easy to tell them apart. Mik joined us, and I introduced Naomi to her.

"Hey, Naomi. It's nice to meet you. Olive's told me a lot about you," Mik said, extending her hand.

"It's nice to meet you too, Mik," Naomi said, shaking her hand.

Hours later, the party was starting to wind down, and guests began to leave. Mik, Flynn, Wyatt, and I decided to clean up the next morning, so we all headed to bed. But before I went to sleep, I sat down with Wyatt on the rooftop. We watched the stars, my head on his shoulder, our hands intertwined.

"The party was a success," Wyatt said, looking up at the stars.

"Yeah, it was," I replied, smiling at him.

I took a deep breath and leaned in to whisper in his ear, "But I still have a little surprise planned for you."

Wyatt looked at me, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "What is it?" he asked, grinning.

I chuckled and leaned in to kiss him. "You'll have to wait and see," I whispered, winking at him.

I led Wyatt by the hand down the stairs and into our bedroom. I closed the door behind us and turned to face him, feeling a flutter of excitement in my stomach. This was it - the surprise I had been planning for weeks.

I could see the confusion and anticipation written all over his face as I walked towards him, my heart racing with excitement. I grabbed hold of his costume and began to unzip it from the back, my fingers trembling with excitement as I revealed his bare back. Slowly, I stripped away his clothes one by one, admiring his muscular physique as I did.

With each piece of clothing I removed, I could see the look of surprise and anticipation growing in his eyes. It was clear he had no idea what was coming, and I couldn't wait to show him. Finally, he was left completely naked before me, and I couldn't resist the urge to touch him. I straddled his lap, feeling his bare skin against mine, and we began to kiss passionately.

I lost myself in the moment, feeling our bodies pressed together as we explored each other's lips. The taste of him was intoxicating, and I couldn't help but run my hands up and down his back, feeling his muscles tense beneath my fingers. For what felt like hours, we explored each other, lost in the heat of the moment.

As I laid in bed, Two fingers worked into me, my eyes rolled back into my head. My nipples and breasts looked as hard as if they were tiny stones. I struggled and blushed and moaned beneath him, he mounted me, slowly.

I arched my back. My breasts were suffused with red. He drove his penis into me, he could feel me shudder violently with unwilling pleasure. An awful cry was muffled by the hand over my mouth. I was shuddering so violently it seemed as if I lifted him on top of me.

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