Chapter 15: Becoming Olive

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Moving into the new apartment was a relief, but it also brought up a lot of concerns. I had to make sure that my secret wasn't discovered. I knew that I couldn't bring any of my old clothes with me since they would give away my true identity. So I had to rely on Emma's wardrobe, which luckily had a lot of cute clothes that I could wear.

I carefully picked out the clothes that I wanted to take with me, making sure that they wouldn't look out of place in my new surroundings. I packed my bags and drove to the mall to buy new clothes and shoes. It was a costly trip, and I spent a lot of my allowance, but it was worth it to maintain my cover.

Once I had moved all of my stuff into our new apartment, I began to worry about my appearance. I knew that my fake breasts and wig were only temporary solutions, and I needed to find a more permanent solution.

I started by going to the pharmacy to buy enlargement pills. The pills were supposed to make my breasts look like natural D-cups, but I wasn't sure if they would work. I had to take two pills a week, hoping that they would give me the look I needed.

I also went to the hair salon to get hair extensions and dyed my hair blonde. It was a drastic change, but it made me look more natural and helped me blend in better with my new surroundings.

As I looked at myself in the mirror, I couldn't help but feel relieved that I was taking steps towards becoming Olive permanently. But at the same time, I was terrified that someone would discover my secret. I knew that I had to be careful and keep up my disguise at all times.

I had settled into my new life as Olive quite well, except for a few minor setbacks. Michaela had noticed some changes in my appearance but didn't seem to suspect anything. I had taken care of my wardrobe and appearance, but the fake breasts and wig were still a problem. I had to find a way to make it all permanent.

In the meantime, I had discovered that my Instagram account had gained an additional 120k followers, putting me at 200k followers. It was an unexpected but welcome surprise, as it meant more opportunities for brand deals and collaborations. With my newfound social media success, I began to research ways to make my online presence more lucrative.

I searched online for ways to get a new ID and passport with my new identity. I found a few options, but most of them seemed risky. I couldn't afford to get caught, or I would be in deep trouble.

As I was browsing, I stumbled upon a website that offered discreet and reliable services for identity documents. It was expensive, but I had no other choice. I decided to give it a try.

I filled out the necessary information, and within a few days, I received a package containing my new ID and passport. I was ecstatic. I could now officially be Olive without any fear of getting caught.

Within a few days, I received the fake documents in the mail. They were surprisingly convincing, complete with pictures of me that I had taken specifically for this purpose. It was a relief to finally have official documentation as Olive.

However, my bank account took a hit from all these recent expenditures. I was worried about my finances, but I knew I had to keep pushing forward. That's when I received my first brand deal, and I couldn't contain my excitement. I immediately called Michaela to tell her the news, and she was thrilled for me.

"I'm so happy for you, Olive! That's amazing news," Michaela exclaimed over the phone.

"Thanks, Mik! It's a sponsored shoot, and I have to go now. Wish me luck!" I said, grabbing my things and heading out the door.

"Good luck! I can't wait to see the photos," Michaela replied before we hung up.

I felt a rush of excitement as I made my way to the photoshoot. Things were finally falling into place, and I was determined to make the most of this opportunity.

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