Chapter 14: Living Arrangements

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I woke up feeling excited about the new changes in my life. I decided to go for breakfast, As I walked into the cafe, Michaela greeted me with a smile. "Good morning, Olive! What can I get for you today?" she asked.

I smiled back and ordered some breakfast. As I waited for my food, I told Michaela about the new living arrangement that my parents had informed me about. "They're opening up a branch of their business in Italy, and they'll be gone for two years. They've given me the option to stay here independently or move to Italy with them," I explained.

Michaela's eyes widened with excitement. "That's amazing news, Olive! I was actually thinking of moving out too, and this could be the perfect opportunity for me to do so. I could move in with my best friend," she said.

As we sat down to eat our breakfast, Michaela and I discussed the details of our plan. "I'm so excited to start this new chapter in my life," I exclaimed.

"I know, right? This is going to be amazing! We can decorate our new place, have movie nights, and have a lot of fun," Michaela replied with enthusiasm.

"I can't wait to finally have my own space, and I'm glad I'll be sharing it with my best friend," I said with a smile.

After breakfast, we drove to Michaela's parents' house to ask for their permission to move out. As we sat in their living room, Michaela explained our plan to them. "Mom, Dad, Olive and I have found the perfect house, and we want to move in together," Michaela said.

Her parents looked at us with surprise, but they soon warmed up to the idea. They agreed under one condition: no boys until the age of 21. I chuckled at this since I wasn't attracted to guys anyways.

As we left their house, Michaela was ecstatic. "I can't believe they agreed to it! This is going to be so much fun," she exclaimed.

The next day, we started our house hunt. We looked at about 20 houses, and it was exhausting, but it was worth it when we found the perfect one. It was a cozy little house with three bedrooms, a living room, and a kitchen. It was perfect for the two of us.

As we signed the lease, I realised that I didn't have any official documents since Olive was not a real person. "I don't know what to do. I don't have any official documents right now," I said worriedly.

"Don't worry about it, Olive. I'll sign the contract under my name," Michaela reassured me.

We were both excited to start our new lives together in our new home. We spent the next few weeks decorating and furnishing our house. We had so much fun picking out furniture and decorations that reflected our personalities.

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