Chapter 45: Christmas Eve

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The next morning, I woke up to the sound of the shower running in the bathroom. I stretched my arms and yawned, feeling well-rested and energised for the day ahead. I got out of bed and headed to the bathroom, where I found Wyatt taking a shower. As I walked in, he turned around and smiled at me.
"Good morning, gorgeous," he said.
"Good morning," I replied, smiling back.
We showered together, chatting about our plans for the day and joking around. After we finished, I helped Wyatt wipe off his make-up from the day before.
All of us gathered for breakfast, and we spent some time looking through the pictures we took the previous day. I sent the pictures to Mrs. Chen, and she responded with surprise, commenting on how much Wyatt looked like a girl. Wyatt rolled his eyes and muttered something about never hearing the end of it from his cousins.
Flynn asked, "So, guys, what's the plan for today?"
"I've got it all figured out," I said. "We're going to split up and buy each other gifts, and then we'll meet up for lunch to exchange them."
Mik and Flynn nodded in agreement, and we all headed out to start our gift-shopping adventure. Excited, we all got ready and headed out to do some shopping. I went to a camera store and bought Mik a new camera. She had been talking about wanting one for ages, and I thought it would be the perfect gift for her. I then went to an electronics store and picked out a laptop for Flynn, something he had mentioned needing for his work.
Finally, I headed to a jewellery store to get a special gift for Wyatt. I found a beautiful watch with our names indented into the dial. I knew it would mean a lot to him, and I couldn't wait to see his reaction.
Later, at lunchtime, we met up at a cozy restaurant in the heart of the city. We sat around a table and took turns giving each other our gifts. I was the first one to go, presenting each of them with a framed collage of our pictures from the previous day.
Mik exclaimed, "Oh my gosh, this is so sweet!"
Flynn grinned, "I knew you were going to give us something sentimental, but this is hilarious too!"
I also gave them the other gifts I had bought for them, they were all really happy with their gifts. As we exchanged gifts, Wyatt gave me a beautiful necklace with our initials "W" and "O" made out of a diamond-like pearl. I hugged him tightly, feeling touched by the gesture.
Mik and Flynn had gone in together to buy me a designer handbag, which I thanked them for. I was excited to use it on our next outing. I had also gotten them gifts that were special to them, and we spent the rest of the day exploring the city.
We later made our way to Rockefeller Center to admire the beautiful Christmas tree and decorations. As we glided around the ice skating rink, Wyatt held my hand tightly, guiding me through the crowds of people. "You're a natural," he said, smiling at me.
As the night went on, the crowds grew thicker, and we watched in awe as performers took to the stage. We stayed until midnight, counting down the seconds until the new year. The night was filled with romance and excitement.
We made our way back to our suites, exhausted but content. We fell asleep, knowing that the memories we had made over the past few days would last a lifetime.

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