Chapter 24: New Job

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I had been working at Mazakofs for a few days now, and I was starting to feel restless. The skimpy uniform and constant catcalling from the customers was taking a toll on me. I knew I couldn't keep doing this forever, at least not until I reverted back to my true self. So, I decided to go job hunting, and thankfully, Mik was on board with me.

"I can't take it anymore, Emma," Mik said, as we walked down the street. "The Smooth Brew is just as bad. I feel like I'm going to be stuck in this dead-end job forever."

"I know what you mean," I replied. "But we'll find something better. Something professional."

As we walked into the airport, Mik's uncle greeted us with a big smile. "Girls, I've got some connections here. I can definitely get you both a job at the front desk. What do you say?"

Mik and I looked at each other, grinning from ear to ear. "We're in," we said in unison.

The interview was a breeze, and before we knew it, we were hired on the spot. "Congratulations, ladies. You start next week," the hiring manager said, shaking our hands.

Mik and I went out to celebrate, feeling like we had hit the jackpot. "Can you believe it? We're going to be working at the airport!" Mik exclaimed.

"I know! And we'll be working together too," I replied, feeling grateful for having such a supportive friend.

It was still a challenge to maintain a higher-pitched voice and suppress my male instincts, but I was getting better at it every day. I even went to the pharmacy to purchase pills that could temporarily shrink my Adam's apple and raise the pitch of my voice.

One day, when I arrived back at our apartment after work, I noticed a pile of boxes and furniture outside our door. Confused, I turned to Mik for an explanation.

"Mik, what's all this stuff outside our apartment?" I asked, pointing to the boxes.

"Oh, we have new neighbours!" she replied with a smile. "They just moved in today."

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