Chapter 46: New Year

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As the days passed by, we explored the city, went shopping, and took tours around the beautiful city of New York. With each passing day, our bond grew stronger, and we cherished every moment together. A few days later, it was New Year's Eve, and we decided to head to Times Square to witness the famous ball drop and enjoy the festivities.
The four of us made our way to Times Square, feeling excited and full of anticipation. The atmosphere was electric, and the streets were packed with people dressed in their finest attire. We made our way through the crowds, trying to find the best spot to witness the ball drop.
After a while, we managed to secure a good spot to witness the celebrations. We could see the giant crystal ball at the top of the flagpole, which would soon drop to signal the start of the new year. The countdown began, and we could hear the crowd counting down in unison. As it hit zero, confetti was released into the air, and the crowd erupted in cheers and screams.
Mik exclaimed, "This is insane! I can't believe we're actually here!"
Flynn grinned, "It's like nothing else we've ever experienced before!"
As the confetti settled, the music started playing, and fireworks lit up the sky. The festivities had begun, and we were all dancing and singing along to the music. The night was filled with energy, excitement, and an aura of romance.
We were there till the early hours of the morning, enjoying the celebrations and the company of each other. We decided to head to a nearby bar, where we could continue partying and celebrating. The atmosphere in the bar was electric, with everyone cheering and dancing to the music.
As we sat down, exhausted but content, Wyatt said, "This is the best New Year's Eve ever! I'm so glad we're all here together."
Mik and Flynn nodded in agreement, and we spent the rest of the night chatting, laughing and enjoying each other's company.
As the night came to an end, we knew that we had created memories that would last a lifetime. We headed back to our hotel rooms.

My heart was racing as I looked at Wyatt, wondering if he would be up for one last night of wild passion in the city that never sleeps. I could feel my body humming with anticipation as he met my gaze and a slow smile spread across his face.

With trembling fingers, I reached for the zipper of my dress and slowly pulled it down, letting the fabric slide down my body until it pooled at my feet. Wyatt's eyes were fixed on me, taking in every inch of my lacy bra and panties as I stood before him, exposed and vulnerable.

As he began to undress, I couldn't help but admire the sight of his lean, muscular body. My breath caught in my throat as he climbed onto the bed beside me, his hand reaching for mine.

For hours, we explored each other's bodies with abandon, every touch and caress sending waves of pleasure through me. Wyatt was an expert at finding every one of my erogenous zones, teasing and tantalising me until I thought I might go mad with desire.

As the night wore on, I lost myself in the moment, feeling completely and utterly alive with Wyatt's touch. Every kiss, every stroke of his hand, seemed to set off fireworks in my body, leaving me gasping for breath.

And then, finally, we collapsed into a heap of tangled limbs and sheets, both of us completely spent from our wild lovemaking. As we drifted off to sleep, our bodies entwined, I knew that this was a night I would never forget. Wyatt had shown me a world of pleasure and intimacy that I had never known existed, and I was forever grateful for that one last wild night in New York.

The first light of dawn filtered through the curtains, casting a soft glow over the room. I opened my eyes to find Wyatt lying next to me, his arm draped across my waist. I smiled to myself, feeling a sense of contentment wash over me.
But the moment was fleeting, as the reality of our impending departure set in. We had a flight back home that afternoon, and there was still so much to do before we left.
I gently nudged Wyatt awake, and we got dressed and headed to the hotel restaurant for breakfast. Over coffee and pancakes, we reminisced about the night before and talked about our plans for the future.
As we finished our meal, the reality of our departure loomed over us. We gathered our things and headed to the airport, our hands clasped tightly together.
As we boarded the plane, I couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness wash over me. Our wild night in New York City had come to an end.

As we arrived safely home, I couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia wash over me. The memories of our wild adventure in New York City with our dear friends would stay with me forever. I smiled as I thought about the laughs we shared, the sights we saw, and the unforgettable moments we experienced together.

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