Chapter 10: Our first date... Technically?

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I woke up the next morning, excited for the day ahead. Michaela had the day off, so we planned to spend the day together. She even offered me the chance to go through her closet and pick out some clothes to wear. I selected a white crop top, a black thigh-high skirt, and some black heels, and we did our makeup before heading out.

"Wow, you look amazing! That outfit is perfect on you!" Michaela said as she gave me a once-over.

"Thanks! I feel really comfortable in it," I replied with a smile.

Michaela drove us to the mall where we decided to spend the day shopping. Before, I wouldn't have been comfortable trying on women's clothing, but now that I was living as a woman, it felt entirely natural. We tried on dresses, bras, and various outfits, enjoying every moment of the experience.

"This dress looks fantastic on you! You should definitely get it," Michaela said as I emerged from the changing room.

"I don't know, I'm not sure it's my style," I replied, hesitating.

"Come on, don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. You look stunning in it!" Michaela said, urging me on.

After a few hours, we decided to stop for lunch and ordered a pizza. We laughed and joked, enjoying each other's company, before deciding to get friendship bracelets as a token of our day out together.

"This was such a fun day! We should do it more often," I said as we exited the store.

"Definitely! I had a blast. And now we have matching friendship bracelets!" Michaela said, holding up her wrist to show off the bracelet.

As much as I wanted Michaela to drive me home, I couldn't reveal my true identity and let her know where I lived. She dropped me off at the bus stop, and I made my way back home, feeling grateful for the fun day we'd spent together.

When I checked my phone, I was blown away by the notifications. Overnight, my Instagram account had gained 35k followers. It was overwhelming, but I felt grateful that people appreciated my appearance. As I scrolled through the messages, people asked me for makeup tutorials and fashion tips.

"I can't believe this is happening! I never thought people would be so interested in what I have to say," I exclaimed to myself.

Excitedly, I immediately called Michaela to tell her the news about my sudden surge in Instagram followers.

"Michaela, you won't believe it! Overnight, my Instagram account gained 35,000 followers!" I exclaimed as soon as she answered the phone.

"Wow, that's incredible! I'm so happy for you. It's amazing to see that people are loving your content," Michaela replied, her voice filled with excitement.

"I know, right! People are asking me for makeup tutorials and fashion tips. It's overwhelming, but I'm so grateful for this opportunity," I said, feeling elated.

"I'm not surprised at all. You have always had an eye for fashion and a talent for makeup. This is just the beginning of your journey, and I can't wait to see where it takes you," Michaela said, encouragingly.

I could feel the warmth of her support through the phone, and it made me feel even more grateful for her friendship. We talked for a while longer, discussing the possibilities that this newfound fame could bring

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