Chapter 34: My First Period

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The day started like any other day. Mik and I got ready for work and headed out. The sun was shining and the breeze was cool. I felt good and was excited about the day ahead. But, as the day progressed, I began to feel cramps in my stomach. At first, I thought it was just a stomachache.

However, just as we were about to finish our shift, I started feeling cramps in my stomach. At first, I brushed them off as normal stomach pain, but it didn't take long before the pain intensified. I excused myself and went to the bathroom, where I lifted my dress and discovered blood stains on my panties. Panic set in, and I couldn't help but cry.

I quickly called Mik, hoping that she would answer. She picked up after the second ring, and I couldn't hold back my tears as I explained the situation. "Mik, I think I got my period," I said, trying to keep my voice down so no one could hear me.

"Okay, okay, don't worry. I'll be right there," Mik replied, reassuringly. And just like that, she came to my rescue, handing me pads and guiding me through what to do next.

I awkwardly wore the pads, trying to hide the bulge as I put on my dress. Mik suggested that I go home and rest, but I protested, telling her that I couldn't leave her alone. But she insisted and told me that she would cover my shift. "You go home and rest, okay? I'll take care of everything here," she said, her tone firm yet gentle.

I called Wyatt to come pick me up since I couldn't drive with the cramps. He arrived in no time and took me home. When I got home, Wyatt took care of me, bringing me soup and snacks and keeping me company throughout the day.

The next morning, I made sure to pack tampons and pads in my bag, just in case of any emergencies. The following days were tough, with the cramps and the constant need to change pads or tampons, but I was grateful for Mik and Wyatt's support during that time. And when my period finally ended, I let out a sigh of relief, grateful that it was over.

It had been three months since we started working at the airport, and we had been working hard and making a good impression on our colleagues and the frequent flyers. After our shift one day, the airport manager called me and Mik into his office. We were a little nervous, wondering if we had done something wrong, but the manager had good news for us.

"I wanted to call you both in here to let you know that you have been doing an exceptional job," the manager said with a smile. "Your colleagues and frequent flyers have given you glowing reviews, and we want to reward your hard work. We will be giving you a significant raise in your salary."

Mik and I were over the moon. We thanked the manager profusely and left his office, practically skipping down the hallway. We drove home as fast as we could to share the good news with Flynn and Wyatt.

As soon as we got home, we practically burst through the door with excitement. "Guys, you won't believe it!" Mik exclaimed, practically jumping up and down. "We just got a significant raise in our salary!"

Flynn and Wyatt looked at us in shock, then erupted in cheers and congratulations. "That's amazing news!" Wyatt exclaimed, giving me a high-five. "You guys deserve it!"

After celebrating at home for a while, we decided to go out and celebrate properly. We went to our favourite restaurant and ordered our favourite meals and drinks. Over dinner, we talked excitedly about all the things we could do with the extra money. "I think we should plan a trip somewhere," Mik said, grinning. "Somewhere exotic and exciting."

Flynn nodded in agreement. "Yes, let's do it! We should plan a trip together!"

We spent the rest of the night laughing and enjoying each other's company, feeling grateful for our jobs, our friendship, and the good news we had received.

As we continued to chat over dinner, Mik elaborated on her plans to pursue photography. She talked about how it had always been her passion, but she had never had the opportunity to fully explore it until now. We all listened intently, admiring her drive and dedication to her dreams.

Wyatt suggested that she could start by taking some online courses in photography to build up her skills before she goes to college. Mik was grateful for the suggestion and said that she would look into it.

We all agreed to support her in any way we could, whether it be through covering her shifts or helping her with her coursework. Flynn even offered to model for her if she ever needed a subject for her photography.

After dinner, we decided to celebrate Mik's decision and our raise by going to a nearby bar. We toasted to Mik's future in photography and our continued success at the airport. As the night went on, we laughed and reminisced about our time working together, grateful for the strong bond we had formed.

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