Chapter 28: Plan A

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To keep my alibi tight, I decided to continue dating Wyatt. However, I knew that it wouldn't be long before my lie would unravel. I had to find a solution, so I turned to Google for answers. My search led me to various methods of becoming a girl, including surgery. But the thought of such a significant commitment scared me. What if I needed to turn back into a guy for some reason?

While searching for ways to transform myself from head to toe, I stumbled upon a peculiar Reddit post. The user claimed that they could temporarily turn me into a girl and that I could revert to being a boy whenever I wanted to. I was skeptical. It seemed impossible, but the idea kept nagging at me. I couldn't stop thinking about it.

The following days, Wyatt and I continued to spend time together, but I couldn't give him what he wanted. The guilt of lying to him and pretending to be someone else ate away at me. Every night, I would lie awake thinking about the Reddit post and what it could mean for me. Eventually, I decided to take a chance and reached out to the user.

Days passed without a response. I had almost given up hope when I finally received a message from the mysterious user. They claimed that they could indeed help me, but it would come at a steep price. Still, the temptation was too great, and I agreed to meet with them.

Unfortunately, they were from Sweden and I lived in America, I booked a flight still sceptical about the situation. I landed in Sweden with mixed feelings. The idea of taking a pill to temporarily become a girl seemed far-fetched, but I couldn't ignore the possibility. I hailed a taxi and gave them the address of the person who claimed to have the solution to my problem. As I reached his house, I hesitated for a moment before knocking on the door.

The man who answered the door was tall and lanky, with a kind smile. "You must be the one who needs my help," he said, ushering me inside. "Come, sit down."

I sat on the couch, feeling nervous as he explained how the pill would work. "You'll be unconscious for a while, but don't worry, I'll take care of you." He handed me the pill and a glass of water.

As I swallowed the pill, I felt a sense of unease wash over me. What if this didn't work? What if I was making a big mistake? I lay down on the bed, feeling the effects of the pill kick in.

The next thing I knew, I was waking up 35 hours later. The man stood over me, smiling. "You did it," he said. "You're now a girl."

I sat up, feeling the weight of my new breasts on my chest. "Is it really true?" I asked, looking down at my new body.

"Yes, it is," he said, handing me a mirror.

I was in shock but also relieved that it had worked. "What about getting pregnant and having periods?" I asked, still trying to process everything.

"Yes, your body is now fully capable of doing those things," he replied.

"Before we proceed, I need to inform you that if you want to change back to being a boy, you'll have to fly back to Sweden and go through the process again," the man instructed me.

I nodded, pulling stacks of cash out of my bag. I could pay for it from my sponsored posts on Instagram.

He took the cash and counted it before placing it in a safe. "I only deal in cash. It's safer that way," he said.

I lived with him for another day while I got used to my new body. At first, everything felt so foreign, and I was incredibly sensitive, I couldn't even control my bladder. However, with the help of the man, I started to understand how to navigate my new form. He warned me about possible side effects, but I was willing to take the risk.

As I prepared to leave, the man shook my hand. "Remember, if you need to change back, you know where to find me," he said.

I nodded and headed to the airport. The flight back to America was long, and I spent most of it in deep thought. I couldn't believe that I was fully a girl, and my crush on Mik was starting to fade away.

As I got off the plane and walked through the airport, I realised that my voice had also changed. But as I looked around, I felt a sense of freedom that I had never experienced before. I was now completely a girl.

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