Chapter 37: Thanksgiving

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The next day, I woke up in Wyatt's luxurious guest room feeling excited about the Thanksgiving celebration. I got out of bed, and as I walked to the window to admire the beautiful scenery, I noticed that the Chen family was already bustling with excitement and activity. I turned around to see Wyatt still asleep, so I went to the bathroom to freshen up. I took a quick shower and got dressed in an oversized jersey and a cap that I brought with me for the occasion.

I walked out of the bathroom and saw Wyatt getting ready too. "Hey, good morning, sleepyhead," I greeted him with a smile. He looked at me, admiring my outfit. "You look so cute, Olive," he complimented me. I blushed and thanked him for the compliment.

We headed downstairs to find the guys watching football in Mr. Chen's home theatre. "Hey guys, mind if I join you?" I asked, hoping they wouldn't mind. Wyatt gave me a nod, and they all welcomed me with open arms.

As I settled into one of the recliners, Wyatt patted his lap, gesturing that I should sit on his lap. I hesitated at first, thinking it would be uncomfortable, but Wyatt assured me that it would be fine. "Are you sure the game is going to be long?" I asked with a smile, teasing him about what he said last night. He chuckled and replied, "It's a Thanksgiving tradition, babe. We can't skip it."

We grabbed a cold beer and waited for the game to begin. As the game progressed, Mr. Chen was impressed with my knowledge of the sport. "You really know your stuff, Olive. I'm surprised," he said, sounding pleased.

As I was sitting on Wyatt's lap, I could feel him getting aroused. I leaned towards him and whispered, "Relax, babe. Don't get too excited." He smiled and kissed my neck, making my heart skip a beat. The game continued, and we cheered for our team together, enjoying each other's company.

The day had flown by and soon it was time for Thanksgiving dinner. As we walked into the dining room, the aroma of the delicious meal hit us. Wyatt's private chefs had outdone themselves, the table was filled with all kinds of dishes, from the traditional turkey to exotic sides. We all sat down and began to eat, making small talk and getting to know each other even better. It was a wonderful evening and the food was heavenly.

After dinner, Wyatt's family had a tradition which they followed every year. Everyone would go up and perform a talent they had, and they would compete for a prize. One by one, Wyatt's cousins would go up and perform a dance or a song. As it got closer to my turn, Wyatt and Mrs. Chen kept urging me to go up and perform. I was shy and hesitant, but they eventually convinced me.

I decided to sing an old song that my mother had loved. I started singing, and everyone was surprised with my voice and my ability to play the piano. Mr. Chen even joined in midway, and we sang it as a duet. By the end of it, Mr. Chen had tears in his eyes, and he looked nostalgic. Apparently, it was also his favourite song.

Mr. Chen liked it so much that he voted for me to win. I couldn't believe it, I had won the competition! Wyatt's family made me feel like I was one of them, and they treated me like their own daughter. The night came to an end, and I was told that I had won the prize. I tried to decline it out of pride, but Mr. Chen insisted that I take it. He said, "You don't have your prize right now, but you will get it once you get back home." He laughed out loud while patting me on the back.

As the night came to a close and we retired to our rooms, I couldn't contain my excitement. I lay in bed, tossing and turning, replaying the events of the night in my head. I couldn't believe I had won the competition, and I was eagerly waiting to find out what my prize would be.

After what felt like hours of lying awake, I turned to Wyatt who was already fast asleep. "Hey Wyatt," I whispered, nudging him gently. He stirred and rubbed his eyes, "Yeah, what's up?"

"What do you think my prize is going to be?" I asked eagerly.

Wyatt chuckled, "I don't know, but you'll find out soon enough. You should get some rest."

"But I'm too excited to sleep!" I exclaimed. Wyatt laughed, "Well, try counting sheep or something. You need your beauty sleep."

I groaned and rolled over, but eventually, the excitement of the night wore off and I fell into a deep slumber.

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