New beginings

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Gumball P.O.V

I woke up to something on top of me. At first I was scared shitless, but then all the memories of the night before came back to me and I smiled. I looked over to my right to see Marshall peacefully sleeping on my shoulder. His leg and arms were draped over me and he had a slight smile gracing his lips.

He was beautiful.

I carefully reached over and removed a lock of thick black hair from in front of his face. I guess I wasn't careful enough because as soon as a placed the strands behinds his ear he began to stir.

In that moment I grew terrified. What happens if he didn't mean what he said last night? What happened if it was all just a prank.

Marshall slowly yawned and opened his eyes. I soon as his sleep ones meet mine he smiled. I soon as I saw the smile grace his face all my fears were replaced and I shot him a smile.

We lay there in silence for a while before Marshall spoke up.

"Good morning Bubba." He said

"Morning." I said with a yawn

"Awww, is bubba still tired?" He asked with a laugh.

I just nodded and buried my blushing face in his chest. His hand came up and began to play with my hair at the nape of my neck.

"Um, I have a proposition bubba." Marshall said sitting up. I sat up with him and gave him a look as if to say "go on".

"So I know there are only two days until the show, but I was wondering if u still wanted to be in the show?" He asked.

I didn't even have to think of my answer. As soon as he finished his question I nodded my head and smiled. He pulled me in for a hug.

" Okay well if we wanna be in the show we better get up and start practising" he said nudging me. I just simply hopped off my bed and held out my hand for him to grab.



So this USA really short filler chapter. Next chapter will be the show. I'll try to update soon I already have a general idea of the next chapter so...

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