What just happened?

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Now, get this. When Bubba kissed Marshall he did not expect Marshall to kiss him back. The last time they had kissed it ended with a denying Marshall and a hurt Bubba.

Bubba expected Marshall to push him, call him a fag and blackmail him for the rest of high school.

He didn't not expect Marshall to wrap his fingers in the hair at the nape of his neck and pull him even closer.

He didn't to expect Marshall to moan into his mouth as they kissed.

And he definitely did not expect him to gently bite his lower lip and then remove his lips from his, a smile gracing his beautiful, pale face.

And he bet that Marshall did not expect Bubba to slap him.

"Owww. What the fuck was that for?" Asked Marshall rubbing a hand on his reddening cheek.

Okay, he definitely didn't expect Bubba to slap him.

"You can't just go around kissing people!" He exclaimed.

"You kissed me first!" Replied Marshall, momentarily forgetting about his stinging cheek.

"But you kissed me back." Replied Bubba, taking a step back. There was a moment of silence before he continued.

"Every time we get close or I kiss you, you end up hurting me. I become your friend and you push me away. I kiss you and you kiss me back and then tell me to forget about you."

"Look you may not want to hear this but I have a big, fat, gay crush on you okay?! I never really thought about whether I was gay but I'm at least a little gay."

"Like c'mon what straight guys closet is 90% pink, favorited activities shopping and painting his nails and has 3 posters of shirtless Channing Tatum on his wall?"

His question was met with a blank stare.

"Exactly! None! So I've come to the realization that I'm gay and that I have a huge crush on you that I can't contain. And even if you don't have feelings for me, please at least be my friend. Don't hurt me and push me away again, I don't think I could survive through that again."

Marshall was silent.

"Please say something. Anything."

"I-I-i think I have feelings for you too."

"Then why do you push me away?" Asked Bubba quietly.

"I'm scared of judgement I guess. I don't want to be judge on liking you. I wasn't even sure if my feelings before. But I know now. " he took a deep breath before grabbing Bubba's hand and kissed his pale knuckles.

"Please don't be playing me right now." Said bubba his eyes tearing up. "If this is a prank,tell me now. I'm already broken please don't break me more." Said Bubba, emitting a sob.

"Hey, hey." Said Marshall placing his hands on Bubba's cheeks and wiping the tears from under his eyes.

"I'm not worth the tears." Said Marshall.

"To me you're worth so much more than just a few tears." Said bubba in between sobs.

"Don't cry. I have a proposition."

Bubba just simply looked up and nodded at Marshall to continue talking.

"If like to try this thing between us. Now I don't know if I'd be comfortable around school as of now but outside school for sure."

"Are you embarrassed of being with me?" Asked a very hurt Bubba.

Marshall was quick to reply.

"No! It's just this us all very new to not only me but you to and I'd like to figure out my sexuality before I broadcast it to the whole school."

"Okay. I understand." said Bubba with a small smile.

"So, will you be my boyfriend?" Asked Marshall smiling widely.

"I'd love to." Replied bubba wrapping his arms around Marshall's neck and kissing him.

And let's just say they did a lot more kissing than cleaning.



Yayyyy! I was smiling while writing the ending. This book has maybe like 5 more chapters or so.

So I was wondering, I have an idea for a sequel. Would you guys prefer me just end this story or I write a sequel?

Bye my children
Rachel xx

Ps. That's a pic of me in case your wondering 😂😊

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