Cutie or QT

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*bubbas pov*

I slowly tumble over to the desk and hesitantly sit down. I lean as far away from Marshall as I can. But Marshall doesn't like that. He grabs my chair and pull it towards his desk. Just as he's about to day something the teacher walks in.

"Hello people! Firstly I wanna say welcome back!" groan urupt from around the room and he rolls his eyes."Yes,yes. I know all your other classes stunk but don't worry! This is music class, the actual fun class!"he says smiling. Some people clap, some laugh, some roll their eyes at his enthusiasm.

"Now, some of you know who I am, some of you don't . My name is mr.fredzerik but you can call me john as long as my superviser isn't here" he says with a chuckle. " I'm gonna go around and I want you all to say your names and what instrument you play."

He points to a girl at the front and she begins. There are some sallies , Jim's , Barbra's , marcuses , and others but I lose track. finally it's Marshall's turn. My chair's still squished up against Marshall's chair so some people give us weird looks. Marshall ignores them and talks. "Hey. My names Marshall Lee and I play the bass." he says smirking. He looks over at me and winks. " your turn Bubba."

I look away from him and speak. "Hello. My names Gumball but you may call me Bubba. I play the guitar, both electric and acoustic."

Once I'm done someone else goes until the class has said there names and the instruments they play. John smiles and looks over the class "Wow! that was interesting! Well now I have a project for you! I have put you guys in pairs! In your pairs you have to prepare a performance! the best performance will perform in the annual school art show and receive extra cred for their performance!"

I smile to myself. Extra cred would be nice! I wonder who I have as a partner? That girl that plays the keyboard would be cool!

John begins calling out pairs

Jess and James , Mark and Angie , Hilary and Maria ... and last but not least Marshall lee and Bubba he says smiling

I feel something squeeze my thigh and look up to see Marshall smiling.

*Marshall POV*

I smile at Bubba. "Looks like we're partners BABE." I say loud enough for everyone to hear. Bubba blushes and pushes my hand off his thigh. "I'm not your babe Marshall ." he mumbles

Just then the bell rings. Before Bubba leaves i grab his phone and run to my locker. I look back to see his trailing me. He's surprisingly fast and is catching up to me. Just then I reach my locker. He stops beside me red in the face."What was that for?!!" He pants.

"I just wanted to make sure we have time to practice u know I need to get this spot in the show. it could give me some serious spud creds." I say winking. "I quickly enter my number into his phone. " Once your done all your other shit text me and we can practice." I say shutting my locker and walking toward the door. As I look back I see Bubba standing there in shock looking at his phone.

Awwww, isn't he cute?

In an alternate universe...(gumlee)Where stories live. Discover now