And again...

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Marshall POV

As I walk through the school doors the first thing I notice is how everyone seems to be buzzing with excitement. I don't understand how or why, like c'mon it's the goddamn first day of school!

Suddenly the door behind me hits me propelling me forward in to me knees. While I shake my head to clear the dizziness away I hear a high pitched but definitely male voice apologize for hitting me. As a turn around a see a tall skinny boy wearing pink skinny jeans,pink shoes and a tye-dyed LGBT shirt tied on the side so u can see a thin strip of skin over his right hip. On his side is a pink satchel. As I look at his face a can't help but stare. He has an amazing jaw line and picture perfect lips.

I mentally slap myself for thinking such things. Just by looking at him u can tell he's a goody goody.

"Are you okay?" He asks while placing his hand on my arm.

"Ya.I'm fine." I state gruffly,shaking of his hand."Who are you?" I ask ,staring at him. I haven't seen him around before.

The boy seems to have gotten the idea that I don't like him and he takes a step back."Ummm...Hi. I'm Gumball , but you can call me bubba." he says offering out his hand for a handshake.

As I look around I realize the crowd around us have gotten visible quieter. I see people staring at us while others whisper to they're friends.

I think its time to put on a show...

Bubba POV

The boy in front of me stares at my hand for a second and then sneers at me.

"I don't wanna touch your hand...put that thing away." he says laughing

I slowly put my hand back my pocket. The group of people behind the boy are laughing.

"Um..."I mumble nervously"..what's your name?"

"I'm Marshall Lee and I don't care about your name stupid." He says crinkling his nose."You know you hit with a door,Bubba,right?" He says walking up to me and getting up in my face.

I feel like commenting on his use of stupid on me but I decide this is not the right time. I nod my head silently in response to his question.

"Well you better watch your back" he seethes"cause no one hits me and get away with it."

With a shove he pushes me in the wall ,spits at my feet and walks away,his "friends" grabbing h and congratulating him.

I sit there almost in tears until I feel someone tap me on the shoulder. I look up to see a girl with white thigh highs on ,a blue mini skirt ,a blue long sleeves , a green back pack and a bunny eared white hat on.

"Hello there." she says pulling me into my feet and brushing me off. "I'm Fionna. And I already know who u are!" she says smiling.

"Hello ."I reply looking at her and smiling back.

"So I was wondering if u needed help getting around"she says.

"Oh I would love help !" I exclaim

I show Fionna my schedule and locker number. I turns out her locker is only a few away from me and we have both the same 2 first period classes. At this school you do 4 subjects for one half of the year and the other 4 the second half.

First I have English and math. Then I have lunch. And finally I have hospitality and music.

Fionna tells me to grab my first 2 binders and follow her to class. The classes slip by and suddenly its already lunch. Me and Fionna grab our lunches from our lockers and make our way to the caf. Fionna let's me sit down with her and introduces me to her friends,some if which I saw in our classes.

First there is Cake. She has orange and white hair cut into a bob. She is wearing a white and orange overall with a yellow tee underneath.

Then there's her boyfriend Monochrome. He is dressed in al black,white and grey. Even His hair is grey.

Then there's flame. his hair is up in a orange Mohawk. he has on black skinny jeans and his shirt is white with writing stating:I'm Hot. Over his shirt is a orange vest.

So thats the crew. Unfortunately no one at the table are in and of my last 2 period classes. When the bell rings I begin heading over to the hospitality center. For the next period I have so much fun baking.

Finally, its the last class of the day. I was so worried in the morning I would have the same classes as Marshall Lee but u haven't seen him since this morning. Just as i walk in to the class room I can't help but stifle my gasp.

Unfortunately in the desk beside the only free desk in the class is Marshall Lee.

Marshall POV

Just as I was getting ready to have a nap till class started I hear a gasp behind me. When I turn around to look I see Bubba standing in the doorway staring right at me and the only free desk to me. I pull out the chair from the desk and pat the seat,inviting him over

Time to have a little fun...

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