Mr. Alexander

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"Ha! See, I knew you were too much of a pussy to do anything!" Marshall says turning around.

Bubba stand there for a second before grabbing his shoulder, turning him around and


"Ahhh, shit man did you just fucking punch me?" Marshall asks in disbelief. He grabbed his now bleeding nose with one hand and flicks his hair out of his face with the other.

Bubba looks down at his now pink knuckles. Thank god they aren't cut, but they still hurt a lot.

"Yea... Yea I guess so." Bubba mumbles, shocked by his own actions.

"Fuck man, now you're going to get it!" Marshall says grabbing bubba's collar.

"Do you want me to punch you in the face again?" Bubba asks grabbing both sides of Marshall's unbuttoned flannel.

Just as Marshall brought his arm back a teacher storms into the hallway.

"What is this racket? I am in the middle of teaching a class and all we can hear is you to delinquents yelling! And the language you were using! My God! Unhand that boy this instant!" She yells shaking her hands all over the place.

Marshall drops Bubba onto the floor and joins the now standing Flame and Mono.

Bubba stand up, brushes himself off and joins Fiona and Cat, glaring at Marshall all the while.

"Both of you to the nurses and then office. I will be calling both places to make sure you show up. As for the rest of you, find something productive to do with the rest of you lunchtime. Now go!" She says flicking her hands and turning around.

Marshall sends a mean look Bubbas way as he opens the door leading to the hallway. Bubba quickly races after him filled with anger.

"You know the least you could've done it said sorry." Bubba says filled with attitude. Marshall turns around with a look that says "don't make me laugh".

"Me? Say sorry?" Marshall laughs. "You're the one who punched me in the nose and I'm pretty sure you broke it." Marshall turns on his heel and continues down the hallway.

"Well you were making fun of me! What else was I supposed to do just let you call me a pussy and get away with it? It's your fault I punched you in the nose you deserved it!" Bubba says with sass.

"Whatever, I don't have time for you." Marshall says he opens the office door making sure not to hold it open for Bubba.

He then sits down on the seat farthest away from the door and bubba sits at the seat farthest away from Marshall. After waiting for about five minutes the nurse comes into the office and handles Marshall's bloody nose.

What she's done with Marshall she sends him out of her office. On his way out Marshall's sons Bubba and evil glare. Bubba just brushes it off and walks into the nurses office.

"You're sure are lucky you didn't break his nose." Says the nurse. "Who knows what kind of trouble you would've been had cracked. Now, let's take a look at your knuckles."

The nurse quickly fixes up his knuckles. She then send him to the main office to talk to the principal. Bubba had never spoken to the principal before because he had gotten in trouble. As he sat in the waiting room he could keep still.

"Barnaby. Come in here." Beckoned the principal. He was tall and handsome. He was also fairly young. He had dark brown hair, deep brown eyes and mild scruff on his face.

In the office sat Marshall. In front of Marshall was a desk with a chair behind it and next to him was another chair for bubba. Before the principal sat down he put his hand out for Bubba to shake.

"Hello Bubba, my name is Mr. Alexander I don't believe we have met yet. It's quite sad we have to meet under these circumstances, but it is still a pleasure to meet you." He said smiling.

Bubba just shook his hand, nodded and sat down.

"Boys to say the least, I am very disappointed in the both of you. I know Marshall you have had some previous behavioural issues but I know you can do better. As for you Mr. Barnaby, you have a very clean record so I don't know where this came from." He said

"I'm sorry sir, I don't know what came over me." Bubba said. Marshall scoffed. Bubba ignored him and continued. "It won't happen again sir."

"You're right. It won't happen again because you guys are going to be punished. For this behaviour there must be consequences." Mr. Alexander said sternly.

"Firstly, you guys are suspended for the rest of the day. Pack your bag and go home. We will be calling your guardian later today. Second, you guys will be having detention every day after school. Understood?" Both boys shook there heads.

"Good. You're dismissed. I better not see either of you in school property for the rest of the day." Mr. Alex said as they left the room.

Just as bubba had made it to the parking lot. His eyes began to water. Peppermint would be so disappointed. Suddenly, someone shoved him. After regaining his balance he turned around to see it was Marshall. He quickly looked away.

"Awww. Is little baby Bubba crying?" Marshall asked pouting. He then straightened up and laughed.

"See, you may have been able to punch me but you're still a pussy." He said walking away.



How was that?

I feel like I haven't updated in forever. Well I'm back. I hope you enjoyed that I know I sure did.


What grade are y'all in?


I'm in grade 10

Pls answer the question, follow me if you don't already, comment and vote!

❤️ I love you all

~ racheyyyy ❤️😄

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