Stick and stones may break my bones... But your words hurt more

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Bubba pov

Not only was bubba exhausted and confused, he was also angry...extremely angry. Anger this strong was an almost alien feeling for him. He hadn't felt this hateful in a long time. And it kinda scared him. It started like this...

Bubba woke up to the sound of his ringing alarm clock. He quickly sat up and turned off his alarm. He slowly drew back his pink curtains and opened the doors to his balcony. He stepped out in to the sunlight having to squint because of being temporarily blinded by the searing hot sun.

Even though he had waken up not even 5 minutes ago, he felt as if he had just downed a cup of coffee. He was so awake. And even though he didn't want to totally admit it, it was all to blame on a certain dark haired boy. Just thinking about Marshall it made him feel as if someone had injected him with a shot of adrenaline. He just couldn't wait to see him.

Not being able to stand still any longer, he quickly rushed into the house and ,almost as if he had a jet pack on his back, got ready. Once finished, he quickly kissed peps on the head and nearly ran outside. He quickly jumped on his bike.
Much like the day before, Bubba spent majority of his day with Fiona, but unlike the previous day, Bubba did not bump in to Marshall. He almost wished he had hit him with a door again today.

As he sat in his 3rd period class, time seemed to pass by ever so slowly. Each passing second felt more like an hour and for once he just wanted to stop baking. Finally the bell rang and Bubba was the first one out of the class room. He was pretty much sprinting to his locker to get his stuff. He ran down the hall towards his music class but slowed down as he neared the door. When he walked in class he realized that the only two people in the room were the teacher and himself. He sat down at his desk and waited. People began to file in and pretty soon almost everyone was there. Except one person. One important person.
Just as the bell was about to ring, in walked Marshall. He sat down next to Bubba but instead of saying something cheeky and sending him his classic smirk he turned his back to Bubba and leaned as far away as possible from Bubba.

Bubba didn't understand. Just last night he had seen a totally different side to Marshall. he didn't understand what had happened since last time he saw him.

Hesitantly, bubba reached over to tap on Marshall's shoulder. Just as his finger skimmed his shoulder, Marshall turned around and swatted his hand away.
"Don't touch me" he said between clenched teeth.
"But Marshall I..."

The room was silent for a minute before the professor cleared his throat and continued his lecture.

But Bubba could care less about the theory of music right now. All he wanted to do right now is go home and cry.

Jeez why was Marshall so angry
I'm srry for not updating. I was on vacation with no wifi and I have exams right now. I will try to update once I'm done exams!

Ily all!!!! Thx for clicking on my book!!! Y'all baes!!!😘
Wish me luck on my exams!!!
By the way: yall can vote or comment or follow if u want to make me smile😊 and I would love to hear ur opinions because your all amazing!!!
Lots of love
Rachel ❤️

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