The Moon.

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"Beta, are you sure about this?" My dad looked at me again, asking for confirmation. Mr. Randheer Singhania was having a tough time trusting me on this one. Obviously he would, I might be his baby but this company was his blood, sweat and tears, it was everything that he built, from the last of his pennies.
Some would say I was born with a golden spoon, some of them would most definitely be right. I am Rudraansh Singhania, the definition of privilege. Everything from my school to my college, was pre-planned, top notch and the best. Just like how I wanted it to be. I was 30 and considerably young. With the Singhania gene pool, I also knew I was good looking. I was tall at 6 ft 2, with Hazel eyes, brown skin and a head full of curls. I gave the typical chocolate boy vibe, which I was. Only until someone crossed me. I hated the sight of defeat and what I hated more was being proven wrong and doubted, which is why, I was getting restless every time Dad asked me this question.
"I am sure, Dad." I told him with a slight ring of irritation. My father always told me that the day I met my match, all hell would break loose. I doubted that, I have seen my dad smitten by my mum but then again, my mother was everything a husband would need, she was beautiful inside and out.
Love wasn't for me, in all my years in the US, studying in Stanford, I knew what women wanted from me. It was either power, money, fame or all of these. I had no interest in giving all those things, which is why my relationships were short and casual, dating and love, weren't for me.
"Well if Rudraansh has decided, that's what we will do. Go ahead Ranveer, initiate the take over." My dad said to Ranveer, my assistant and the future COO. As soon as I took over from dad, he would be the COO. Dad had eased us into the position but that is not to say that I didn't work my ass off. I started from the bottom and worked my way up, hell I even worked in some other companies to gauge their culture before joining Singhania's.
"Rudra, let's get going now. We have a meeting at the firm". My dad told me as he got up from his chair.
Well I wasn't interested in meeting any boot-licking people. My work ethic was limited to just that - work. I hated pleasantries and sweet nothings. It was the job or nothing, but since the firm was handling all legal buisness, it was mandatory for me to make my acquaintance there. The sooner people understood me, the easier it would be for them to deal with my snippy personality. I was self aware like that.
We went down to the ground floor and sat in my Dad's chauffeured car.  Honestly, nothing screamed privileged and rich more than a chauffeured vehicle. Singh!
We reached there after a short ride of 45 minutes. Before getting down, dad looked at me and said "Lawyers are smart people, and it's always good to have them at your side son!" He then winked at me. I couldn't understand the behaviour but well, I definitely did not take my seriousness from my dad.
We entered and the Senior Partner of the firm, Mr. Sinha, greeted me and my dad. I fell behind them listening to them chatter.
"I hope all is well in the firm and the family, Atharava?" My father asked.
"Never better Mr. Singhania, glad you could bring the successor along today." He replied.
We ascended the elevator and stopped at the 20th floor.
We were going to the office of Mr. Sinha but en route a musical laughter hit my ears, it was an uninhibited sound. Whoever this woman was, she had a beautiful laugh. Well, something good did come out of coming here, after all. I couldn't see her face well but standing outside the corner office was a woman dressed in a red suit, with black heels. She looked like she walked out of a runway. Interestingly, they had young women on the top as well.
We entered the office and I took a seat on Mr. Sinha's request.
He talked to my father. "As you know, Rehmat has been handling the cases for your company in the past few months, ever since our last partner left." He said.
"Ah yes! I remember her. Beautiful young lady with a sharp tongue, the last time I met her; she was verbally assassinating an associate." Dad and Sinha Uncle Chuckled.
Well, well. It was a woman who was going to be working with me now. I let a smirk play on my lips; we will see how it goes. Time to pull the game face out. Let's see if she can stand me.
"I would like to see who is handling my company Mr. Sinha." I said with as much authority in my voice as my dad's. I needed to prove I was worthy enough to take over, every step of the way.
Mr Sinha straightened and said "Very well." He called his Assistant and ordered for Rehmat to be present.
A few minutes later, a vision in a Red suit entered. She had dark brown eyes, the color of dark chocolate. Her hair was black and she looked like she walked out from a fashion magazine. Her walk was laced with confidence and she moved like she knew what she brought to the table.
She knocked and came in. Her eyes never wavered. There was no sign of nervous movements, she knew the game, she knew the drill. She was not new to men throwing their wait around.
"Mr. Singhania, meet Ms. Rehmat Raizaada, our newest partner and might I add, the youngest too. LLM from Yale with a full scholarship, and clearly on a winning spree." There was a hint of pride in Sinha Uncle's voice. He loved this girl.
Dad stood up and shook hands with her, she smiled back. It was a professional smile. "Good work in the merger last month Ms. Raizaada. You worked on short notice." My dad complimented her.
"Thank you Mr. Singhania, I am glad to be of service." She said.
"Meet my son, Rudraansh, he will take over by the end of this month." Dad pointed towards me.
She looked me dead in the eye and moved her hands for a shake. I wanted to be a dick, so I didn't shake her hand, rather I turned it around and kissed her knuckles. I expected her to be rattled, but there was an angry glint to her eyes
"Rudraansh Singhani, a pleasure to meet you."
"Likewise." Was her one word reply.
I smiled, "It wouldn't hurt you to be sweeter Ms. Raizaada, I am your boss."
Her spine went rigid and she gave me the fakest smile in the history of mankind.
"I would have been Mr. Singhania, had I actually been on your payroll. But turns out, Daddy's money can't buy you loyalty after all."
Oh, ho, ho, the kitten scratches. I looked at my dad, he was smiling, a cunning smile on his face.
"Looks like manners arent taught in Law school." I said, not leaving her hand.
"You don't pay me for my manners Mr. Singhania." She said without missing a beat.
This time, Dad laughed, a full blown belly chuckle.
Looks like she has a spine after all; this will be fun.

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