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Rehmat's POV

I was just beginning to dance when I felt a hand creep up on my waist.
I knew before I even turned, that it was Maanav. My first instinct was to turn around and slap him, hard. Even though we dated, I had told him that there was never going to be physical intimacy between us. We had literally dated for only 2 months, it wasn't like I was even comfortable with the idea of him doing it. Also, I hated unsolicited touch.

As soon as I turned Aanvi and Tara stopped dancing, both of them shooting daggers at Maanav, who was oblivious to the hate. The club was packed today, it was kind of that fun/contemporary place for people to dance, drink and a mini area with a few TVs to watch the occasional matches. Maanav was really ruining my night out.

I mouthed "Give us two minutes" and took Maanav to the side.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? How did you know I was here?" I asked, my lips thin.
"I just wanted to greet you, is that so bad? Also, I didn't know you were here, I just came with a buddy, to celebrate his birthday." He said, giving me a casual shrug.
"Maanav, it is a big deal. You are not supposed to touch me without asking me. Also, I don't remember ever giving you permission to touch me." This man was really dumb if he thought any form of history gave him rights to touch me.
"Oh come on, I am not just anyone Rehmat. I am the guy you love." What? What the everloving, stinking fuck?
"Love? Have you really hit your head somewhere at Wharton's or are you high?" I didn't love him, infact I never loved him, I had briefly dated him because he was a good person and I liked how ambitious he was, and we met through mutual friends, however I soon realised that he wasn't ambitious, he was hungry for power, he wanted to take over his dad's company, not because he was good but because he thought he had unspoken rights, he treated other people like shit and worse, he was a serial cheater.
My lapse in judgement could've been due to peer pressure of dating, but I was to blame for choosing a psycho.
"Come on Rehmat. Stop it, the chase is getting old, okay? You know I love it when girls act all tough to get, but it's enough now." His hand started creeping towards my thigh. Fucking deranged piece of shit!.
I acted on impulse and knees him, although I couldn't reach his crown jewels, I hit his thigh somewhere.
"Bitch!" He shouted, and the next thing I knew his hand was on my throat.

And suddenly, I was assaulted with memories of the last time I was in this situation.
A girl grabbing my throat, her best friend laughing in the background, another girl trying to cut my clothes with a scissor.

Fuck I couldn't breathe. I needed to stop this. Stop it. Stop. No! No!

Before I could do anything about it, suddenly his hand was gone from my throat and standing before him, was the man I least expected.

"How dare you?" He seethed. Maanav's hand was still in his iron grip, and by the discomfort on his face, Rudraansh was crushing it.
"It has nothing to do with you man, its between me and my girl." Maanav tried to sound all bossy. He was looking like a dog trying to bark at the lion.
"Your girl?" Rudraansh sounded scary, even to me "Didn't look to me that way."
And before he could say anything, Rudraansh's fist met with his nose.
There was a nauseating crunch and then, all hell broke lose.

Rudraansh's POV

This fucker tried to touch Rehmat.
He tried to fucking hurt her.
I could see the fear in her eyes when he tried to choke her.
He wouldn't live another day.
I was unaware of my surroundings. The only scene playing on repeat was his hands on her, him trying to choke her.
I was distinctly aware of Ansh trying to stop me.
I could feel Ranveer pull me away.
No. Kill. Maul. Destroy.
He is going to die today.

I kept punching him.

But one voice reached out to me in my red haze. My hands slowed.
"Rudra, stop, please..." Rehmat, my Rehmat.

"Rudra, Rehmat needs you right now. We will take care of him. You are gathering quite a crowd. Go to your woman." Ranveer said pulling me away.
"Try looking at Rehmat again and you will never be able to breathe" I pulled his now bloody face near me. "Stay away from her. She is mine." I said in a whispered threat. He tried to blink, but I pushed his limp body away.
Ansh caught him and began taking him out.

The club's manager was looking at me, fright evident in his eyes, he knew me.
"Sir, we are extremely sorry..." I cut him off. "Save it. Please ensure that this stays between us. Also, please bill everything on my card. We are leaving" I didnt wait for his reply and turned to Rehmat.

"Rehmat!" I sighed, pulling her to me. It was taking everything in me not to crush her in a hug. "Did he touch you, baby? Are you hurt?" I kept her to my chest. Breathing her in.
I had this intense urge to never let her go, hide her away from the whole world. I wanted to keep her, only for my eyes.
That fucker tried to lay a hand on what was mine, and he was going to suffer.
"No, no he didn't hurt me. You came." She didn't sound like my Rehmat at all. Her voice was small and shocked. She sounded hurt and sad.
Everything in my body hurt. Her sadness felt like a physical pain to me.
"I promise baby, he will pay. I will kill him." I swore.
"No, please, no. Let's just go home." She needed to go home.
"Yes love." I locked eyes with my best friend, "Ranveer please drop her friends off. I am taking Rehmat home." Ranveer nodded.
"But Rudraansh, my car?" She looked up, breaking away from the hug.
I did not like loosing her warmth. It was as if she warned the parts of me that no-one could even see.
There was never a time when someone could reach to me when I was in the throes of my rage, until her. Dad put me into adventure sports just so that I could direct my energy elsewhere and stop this urge to hit and destroy. However it only worked so far.
"Give Ranveer the keys, he will drop it off." I told her. She nodded "I will text Aanvi and Taara".
I took her hand in mine and began walking.
As we reached the car, she looked at me with a small smile, "Thank you Rudraansh. I am very grateful for you."
I couldn't stop myself, I reached to cup her cheek.
"Always, Rehmat. Always." I brushed my thumb across her lower lip.
Her breath hitched. I knew she felt what I felt. I knew from the way her pupils swalled the brown in her eyes that she wanted me as much as I wanted her.
The urge to kiss her was so real, so primal.
Not today Rudra, she was attacked a few minutes ago.
I gave her a smile and opened her car door.
As soon as she sat, I jumped in the driver seat.
"Let's get you home, love." I gave her a smile as she nodded and closed her eyes.

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