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Rehmat's POV.

I woke up to Rudraansh's hand grazing my cheek.
"Rehmat! Wake up beautiful. We are home." I felt my groggy eyes open.
He was looking at me with such tenderness in his eyes, that it was impossible for me to believe that he was the same guy who had beaten a man to pulp, some time ago.

"Let's get you in bed." He started opening my seatbelt.
"But Rudraansh, this isn't my home." I looked around, realising that I was near a beautiful building, scratch that, it was a sky scraper.
"I know." He smiled before adding, "Your ex knows your address, I don't want him to come there later and bother you again." Getting me out of the seat.

"Rudraansh, I don't have anything to wear and while your worry is well founded, I just don't feel like it's that easy to reach me. My building is pretty secure." I added, refusing to get down.
"Well, Mia Regina, while I do know that, my building is impenetrable." He took my hand and pulled me out.
"But Aanvi and Tara..."
"Have already been informed and told not to worry, they have your live location shared." He completed before I could.
"Wait. Did you call me Regina? Because that's definitely not my name." How embarrassing, he didn't look drunk, but he must be if he was calling out an ex or something.
He chuckled and shook his head, "Obviously it isn't, I called you Mia Regina, because as you might know, it means my Queen." His smile was secretive, like he knew something that I didn't.
My heart skipped a beat.

As we took the elevator, the space suddenly felt too tight, too small. Rudraansh was like a breathing inferno, hot and fire and smoke. But soon after, the doors opened to a lush penthouse.
Well ofcourse, the Prince lived in a penthouse that rivals the castles.
"Welcome to my humble abode." He said, smiling shyly, running his fingers through his curls.
"Rudra, if this is humble, I might as well live in a hut. It's gorgeous! You have a beautiful home." I turned to him, placing my arm on his bicep.
Electricity zapped through me and our eyes connected. He stared at me for a long moment, as if he would kiss me anytime now. I would have let him. After the train wreck of today, he felt like a safe haven.
But then he abruptly turned.
"Let me get you a ginger tea. It will help you wind down." He started towards his kitchen as I sat on his impressive kitchen island, even if his rejection stung a little.
"How do you know I love ginger tea?" I stared at him, it couldn't be!

Does he remember Shanghai.

"Oh well, there was this girl who I met in Shanghai! I was too young back then, and so was she, but now that I have seen her again, fate has given me a gift!" He looked into my eyes, without blinking.
"You remember!" My voice came out breathier than I anticipated. He remembered me.
"Ofcourse I did. Yours is not a voice that one easily forgets Rehmat." He passed me a glass of water.
His curls fell on his forehead, in a way that made my fingers itch to push it back. He looked devastatingly handsome and boyishly charming at the same time.
"You never said anything." I did not intend it to sound like an accusation, however it sounded like one.
"Neither did you, Mia Regina." He said, tone soft, devoid of any judgement.
"Stop referring to me in Italian, Mr. Singhania. Are you flirting with me?" My tone was flirtatious, fun.
"Depends Ms. Raizaada, is it working?" He was now bending over the island, face dangerously close to me.
My hand lifted on its own accord, "Very much so. The Italian and the brute strength is definitely playing in your favour." I pushed the stray curl away from his forehead and winked!
He laughed softly before passing me a cup of the tea he was making.

I took the first sip and a moan/groan slipped past my lips.
"Keep making sounds like that Mia Regina, and you will definitely know what else my brute strength can do." His was holding on to the island so tight, I was surprised the marble didn't crack.
I blushed crimson. I did not anticipate that kind of a statement from the uptight, billionaire Prince of the Singhania's.
"Sorry, the tea is ah-maz-ing! Thank you, for every thing." I softened my smile. He had gone out of his way today, for me. He had done so much, he didn't have to. I was grateful and happy, a small part of me was thrilled that he remembered me.
"You don't have to thank me Rehmat. I like your company. Now, why don't you go change. I will get you some clothes." He said, guiding me towards what I thought was the master bedroom.
"Rudraansh, I don't want to breach your privacy, I will shower in the guest room." I stopped, not wanting to make him feel like he is obligated to do something.
"Rehmat, you will soon realise that I don't do anything that I don't want to. All my actions are well thought of. The guest room has been closed for months now and I don't want to send you there without airing it first. Why don't you go shower, meanwhile I will go air the room a little." His hand was now at the small of my back. The touch so warm and reassuring, as if imprinted on my skin.
I nodded and followed him into the room. It was so Rudraansh that it didn't need even an introduction. The linen was black and grey, there were a few pieces of art hanging on a wall, there was a beautiful wall clock occupying an entire wall and then one entire wall was a glass window, floor to cieling. The view was gorgeous.

"Rudraansh, you have a beautiful, beautiful home. The scenery is gorgeous." I voiced my appreciation, going to the floor to cieling windows, and looking down at the busy road.
He came behind me, so close that I could feel his breath on my nape, I could smell his cologne. He overcrowded my senses.

"It's just a house Rehmat. It's not a home until I have someone to share it with." His voice was introspective, almost sad. It was like the glimpse of the Rudra I had seen during his takeover as a CEO. He sounded lost, melancholy.

"I am sure you will find someone soon enough." I said without turning back, my eyes still on the road. He made a non committal "Hmm" before turning away to his closest.
It felt like I heard him say, "Maybe I already have." In a very low voice. So soft that I felt like I was hallucinating. Like he didn't say it. But he did, and just like the coward I was, I refused to comment on it.

"Here, Rehmat. Here is a t-shirt and a pair of short. These are the smallest I could find. Please bear for tonight. Or else, if you are uncomfortable, I can ask Ranveer to get a pair of loungewear delivered right now." He began to pick out his phone.
God! How rich was this man, he thought people would get new loungewear delivered at dead of the night because they were UNCOMFORTABLE!!!?!??!?.

"No Rudraansh, it's no problem at all. Tomorrow is a Saturday, I can easily sleep in a comfy loose tshirt, and will leave directly to home so there is no issue at all." I took his t-shirt. It smelled of him. I resisted the urge to sniff it. He smiled, "The bathroom is that way. Take your time. I will be in the living room."
"Yes sir!" I mock saluted, before entering into the bathroom.
I was going to take a warm bath to wash today of. That was the thought I had, as I took Rudraansh's body wash and started bathing.

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