Meet and Greet!

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Rehmat's POV
"Madam Raizaada, you have an invite." Andy peeked in.
"I do?". I raised a brow.
"Yes ma'am. It's from the Singhania's. Apparently they recently took over some tech-startup that connects people to their nearest psychologists, counsellors and psychiatrists. It's called "Mind me". And to celebrate that success, Mr. Rudraansh Singhania has thrown a meet and greet." Andy said.
I was amazed. And super impressed. It was not often that tech companies invested in companies that combined tech with anything else. If Rudraansh had taken that step, it was obviously a big one. Damn! It's hot to see a guy having a sharp brain.
"When is the party again?" I asked.
"Today at 7." Andy smiled.
"What the hell! The party is in 3 hours and you are telling me this now?!" I panicked.
"Reh, no need to shout okay? I mailed it to you yesterday, I left a sticky note in your drawer and I even sent the message to your business phone, it's not my fault that you don't pick up and see messages." He gave me a stern lecture.
"Oh. I am sorry I had a migraine yesterday." I gave him my best puppy eyes.
"Oh you poor soul." He visibly looked like a caring mother. So cute. If Andy weren't gay, I would have totally asked him out. Maybe not. Because I was not into the soft type, but I would make an exception for him.
"Well how do I dress? Let's skip this one okay Andy?." I turned to my Laptop.
"NO Chance IN HELL" he all but shouted. Ehm. Okay, someone is an angry bird today.
"But I don't have a dress, nor do I have the time to go back change, do my makeup and then be there on time." I gave him a puzzled look.
"Reh, I anticipated you would be a nutjob, so I already picked out a dress for you, yes, don't worry it's not an expensive label, it's from a small boutique down my lane, and I had already asked your house help to just keep your black heels in the car. Plus I will do your makeup. Why would you even worry?" He beamed.
I totally justify why I hired him. He was my Donna!!!!
"Andy, what would I do without you?"
"Slip down a staircase, break your arm and die in a pool of your own blood." He said with a straight face.
I laughed. He was such a sweetheart.
"Now off you go, start getting readyyy!." He ushered me up.
Guess it's show time.

Rudraansh's POV
It was already 7:30, and there was no sign of Rehmat.
Well not like I was looking for her.
Who am I kidding, I totally was.
I wanted to see her today, but oh well, looks like she's running late.
"Rudraansh, my child, great work on this startup." My dad's best friend Rana uncle beamed at me.
"Thank you Uncle, it is like a child." I said. It was true. Mental health was not talked about enough. This startup was my means to honouring my mother. T
Even though she was a strong amazing woman, she had suffered from depression along the lines. And it was due to great help from her counsellors that she was here today, happy and healthy.
"Rudraansh, aren't you a sight in black!" My sister came from the door, and with her was my little bundle of joy, my nephew.
"I am so glad you could make it here Mishika di!" I said.
"Ofcourse I did, I know how much this means to you!" She said with warm eyes.
"Why don't you help yourself to something?" I said calling out a server.
"Definitely, I am always hungry, thanks to this little demon." she said and went to the food.
"Good work Rudraansh, Mishka and I are so proud of you!" My brother in law shook my hand.
"Thank you so much!" I said with a genuine smile.
Just as I was passing by, my eyes fell on a figure in black dress.
It was a back less dress, with sleeves made of lace, it looked like something a whimsical witch would wear. I could say a tattoo somewhere there. I was intrigued. And then that goddess turned. Holy cow! The view just got better.
With a messy bun, a red lip, a black floor length dress, with a slip till the mid-thigh and wait were those lace up stilettos? Yes they were.
It was Rehmat. God, she was a vision.
But then something slipped in my peripheral view, and my Bloop pressure popped off.
Aditya was next to her, offering her a drink and saying something to her that made her smile.
I swear to god, if this man even came within a 10 feet radius of Rehmat, he would be 6 feet under the ground.
It was bad enough that he shat on my last relationship.
I was sounding like a jealous asshole, even to myself. But did I care? Abso-fucking-lutely not. Rehmat was a person I had seen closely and even if she didn't remember me, I remembered her, and I would make her remember me. There was no way around it.
I walked through, to them.
"That's way above my pay-grade Mr. Sethi." She was telling Aditya.
"Come on Ms. Raizaada, one lunch would definitely not matter." He was trying to lay the charm.
"Ms. Raizaada, welcome! Pleased to see you." I intercepted them.
She turned to me and gave me a smile.
"Mr. Singhania, thank you so much for inviting me. Many congratulations on such amazing work." She sounded genuinely impressed. I could feel my smile building.
"Looks like Rudraansh forgot his manner. We were talking here Rudraansh." Aditya sneered in my direction but tried to play it like we were some long lost friends.
"Well, I would've cared if I thought you were interesting enough to hold a conversation Aditya! But I know your acumen with women." I cracked a smile.
I saw Rehmat's eyebrow raise in what seemed like a surprise.
Before che could say anything, I took Rehmat's hand and turned towards her.
"Ms. Raizaada, there is someone that I would want you to meet. Please excuse us." I nodded in Aditya's direction.
"Sure. It was nice meeting you Mr. Sethi." Rehmat have him a polite smile.
I started walking, and because her hand was still tightly clasped in mine. She was forced to move along.
"I don't like being manhandled Mr. Singhania" came a low voice.
"My apologies Ms. Raizaada." I said.
"It was rude to interrupt my conversation there." She said with a straight face.
I got annoyed, was Aditya really that interesting?.
"Well since my counsel was here today, I thought I might as well capitalise on it." I said with a formal tone.
She smiled. "You are one piece of art."
"I will take that as a compliment." I said.
"Now who was that you wanted me to meet?" She said.
"Oh, just some buisness partners and future prospects, I was hoping you could give me a read on them." I said.
Bullshit, I knew. I just wanted to spend time with her. Wanted to know her once again and maybe, just a little, maybe, remind her of the Rudraansh she met in Shanghai.
"You are telling me, you couldn't have done it yourself?" She gave me a look that said 'Seriously?'
"Think of it as a test, Ms. Raizaada. Let's see how good you are at people reading." I said with a smirk.
"Well, what if I brought a date?" She said.
"You didn't." I said with convention.
"How are you so sure?" She asked.
"Because I made it mandatory for people to not bring a plus one." I winked at her and then turned.
Obviously, I wasn't ready to face that Rehmat could be dating. As per my detective, she wasn't, but still.
I heard a laughter behind me and turned to see her following me through the crowd.
I felt my lips tip up.
This feeling in my chest, it was nice. Being with Rehmat was nice.

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