Tough luck.

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Rudraansh's POV
She gave me her back. That was new. And unfamiliar. I try not to be a narcissist, but I have had women literally drool over me. Socialites threw themselves at me. And this woman right here, just gave me her back, in the middle of a conversation. It was a new feeling albeit not a bad one. She challenged me, and then, she might think that she is no prey, but I am an apex predator. I will not back down from the challenge that is Rehmat. I smirked in my Dad's direction.
After she asked her, stating that her presence was "requested", I wanted to roll my eyes at the formal tone of that statement. If anything, I wanted to break her hard exterior. I wanted to meet that woman with the enchanting laugh, the one that I had seen while entering the office. I was sure she was buried beneath layers of professionalism. This was a fun game. I felt intrigued by a woman, after a really long time. I had forgotten the thrill of the game, one where you cannot quite place your finger on the pulse of your opponent, yet all you want to do is make them feel irked.
I asked her about the finance company, not because I wanted to test her, but rather because I wanted to see how she would react. I knew it was a simple question, anyone, hell students of business could answer that question. That is why I wanted to see her react. I have to hand it to her, she didn't even flinch at the fact that someone as skilled as her was made to sit and answer my seemingly unimportant questions.
I saw her stance when she sat cross legged- "I didn't reach where I am by smiling and admiring my reflection" she said. God, I wanted to give her that. Her confidence was hot. I have seen women act like dumb airheads, whoever put that idea in the head of these gorgeous ladies that giggling endlessly and speaking dumb would land them a guy, seriously needed some third degree torcher, like yesterday.
As she walked out, dad turned to me and said "This woman is something else."
No doubt she was.
She was something else, and my new mission was to unlock the mystery that is Rehmat. I wanted to know the reason for her uninhibited laughter and the way her brain works. It was a magnetic need really, a compulsion.
I looked at dad and said "Indeed."
Then I turned to Sinha Uncle and said, "Ms. Raizaada is going to work closely with us, I believe?". He nodded. Well now, my mood has significantly improved.
"I would like to know about her, is there anything that I need to be concerned about?" I asked, looking like the epitome of a concerned businessman, when in reality, I just wanted to know as much about this woman as I could.
"Nothing that should concern you Rudraansh, she is a capable young woman, very fierce also to a certain degree, a perfectionist. Although, she is a sweetheart outside of her role, she is positively terror inducing in her job as an attorney. And coming from me, that's a mighty statement." He ended, a knowing glint in his eyes.
He sensed my interest in her. It was no surprise really, I had grown up near him, although he still called my dad Mr. Singhania, he was a close friend of the family. "Very well. We shall take your leave now. I will keep you updated about the proceedings." I turned to my dad. "Both of you please have a minute to yourselves." I politely exited myself from the conversation.
I turned around to Ms. Raizaada's office. Rehmat. What a beautiful name. Kindness. Divine mercy. Something about her stuck in my brain and now it was going on a loop.
I looked at her office. She was sitting there, animatedly chatting about something to a woman in front of her. Her eyes connected with mine through the glass door, and then she gave the faintest of smiles. I gave my favourite smile, the one that made women go head over heels for me. She saw right through it and then went back to her conversation.
I turned and left. Rehmat Raizaada, meet your match.
I thought to myself.
Dad and I sat back in the car.
"So beta, do you like the firm?" He broke the silence.
"So long as they are doing their work, I don't mind." I replied.
"And what about the lawyer?" He pushed on.
"What about her?" I gave a shrug.
"Well what are your opinions of her?" He asked me again.
I took a second to form a reply, that didn't betray my new obsession with Ms. Raizaada, "She looks like she's passionate about her job, and shes clearly good at it, if Sinha Uncle is to be believed."
"That's it? I felt like she was quite a beautiful young lady. Definitely a sharp one." He said with a teasing smirk.
"Uh huh.". I replied, looking into my phone.
Dad chuckled, "Looks like someone is finally beating you at your game Rudraansh Singhania."
"I haven't started playing yet, Dad." I replied focusing my smirk on the road.
I knew my dad sensed my interest in her. However, it was not romantic. It was more like this was the first time I was openly challenged and the first time that I actually let someone have a leeway. This was more like the thrill of the chase.
Yeah, keep telling yourself that. A voice in the back of my head taunted me.
Who was this woman and why was I suddenly so interested in her?
It's never a good sign to peek at the interest of a man who has always had everything he has wanted, and what I wanted now, was Rehmat Raizaada.

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