Stars Align!

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Rehmat's POV
I was almost ready to puke at Aditya's advances. I mean, come on, how hard was it to take a NO as an answer. Sure, I was single but that didn't mean I wanted to go on a lunch with every guy that asked me out. Rich men didn't understand being denied, and I say this, not in a good way.
When Rudraansh pulled me out of that conversation, I saw a flash of anger in his brown eyes. It looked like he had an old beef with Mr. Sethi. He was uncharacteristically mean and beyond rude, but it isn't my place to comment. I saw him turn around while I was navigating the crowd; there was a small smirk on his lips, and he kept staring at me .
"Take a picture Mr. Singhania, it lasts longer." I said in a haughty tone, I know I looked bomb. Andy, bless your heart, you little genius!
Rudraansh kept smiling and took my hand, "Are you fishing for compliments, Ms. Raizaada?" His tone was all flirty.  Now, now, a businessman Rudraansh was hot, but a flirty Rudraansh was downright sinful.
"I don't need validation for something that I know is awesome. We are talking about me here." I said with a wink.
He threw his head back, and laughed, and dear God, was this how Greek gods looked?
"Ms. Raizaada, there is indeed someone I want you to meet. Please come with me." He all but pulled me. "Mom, meet Ms. Rehmat Raizaada, the one who handles our legal matters at the firm." He introduced me to his mother.
Mrs. Singhania was a beautiful, elegant lady. She was dressed in a black saree and looked everybit the model, rich, elegant wife.
"Good evening ma'am, pleased to meet you!" I said offering my hand for a shake.
She shook it, "Good evening dear! I am so glad you could make it." She talked to me, as if she knew me. Even Rudraansh looked surprised by the familiarity she had in her voice.
"Randhir kept talking about you, during his last acquisition. He told me you are a very sharp young lady." She said, kindly, almost in a tone that made me swell with pride. I liked appreciation almost as much as the next person.
"Thank you so much ma'am. Mr. Singhania is too kind, it was my job." I completed with a small smile.
"Careful mom, Ms. Raizaada has a habit of taking things to the heart, we don't want her ego to beat the size of the mansion now, do we?" Rudraansh chimed in.
My eyes went wide.  What an ASS! Every time I think we could be friends, this man shits on my parade.
"Wow Mr. Singhania, I didn't know your major at Stanford was "Prick 101". Must've been a tough course, but then again, you seem like you were born with this talent." I completed it with a sickly sweet tone.
Shit! I just insulted a man in front of his mother. To my surprise, Mrs. Singhania chuckled.
"Rudra, looks like someone is finally meeting their match." She said with a twinkle in her eyes.
"Who's meeting, whose match?" I heard another foreign voice. I turned to see a gorgeous woman, Ms. Aaliya Singhania, walking down. I knew her, she was a brilliant Public Relation strategist. In fact, she was the top game, if my Intel was correct. She cradled a small baby in her arm, her husband, following close behind. Varun Roy, another hotshot, big name in the real estate and allied fields. Damn, this family was intimidating as hell.
"Aaliya! Rudraansh was just introducing me to his friend, Rehmat." Mrs. Singhania, helpfully added.
"Hello Mrs. Roy, Rehmat Raizaada." I said with a smile.
"Hello Rehmat. I must say, you have a beautiful name." She said in a confident voice, her whole demeanor screamed princess, but in a good way. This woman was confident and knew her worth.
"She doesn't show much kindness though, ironic considering her name is Rehmat." The irritating baritone of Rudraansh again scraped my ears.
God! Infuriating. Was this man born with a stick up his ass? Or did someone ream it in there? Like what was his problem?
I was tempted to pick the plate placed next to the table and empty the contents atop his head.
Rehmat, repress. Repress. I repeated, in my head.
"Mr. Singhania, I did not realise that my kindness was an important attribute, that was to be taken into consideration." I looked at him, dead in the eye.
"Well it doesn't hurt to have a kind hearted lady as a colleague." He said, his tone, all serious.
"And it helps to not have a client who feels like catering to his whims and fancies is a part of my existence. But here you are. Life is unfair." Someone coughed and hid his a laugh, Mr. Roy. Even Mrs. Roy was smiling widely.
"Um. Excuse me, Mr. Singhania here seems to bring out the worst in me. I am not usually this rude." I added with an apologetic shake of my head. Not professional at all.
"Please Rehmat." Aaliyah said with a small smile, "You have nothing to apologise for. It's entertaining to see someone giving Rudra a taste of his own medicine. He is usually the one who gets the last word."
"Rehmat! Can I have you here for a second?" Mr. Sinha's voice chimed in.
I gave a nod. "Excuse me Mrs. Singhania, Mrs. Roy! Seems like duty calls." I directed a polite smile.
"It was great meeting you beta. Let's stay in touch." It was Mrs. Singhania who said this, her hand on my shoulder.
"Definitely ma'am. The feeling is mutual." I said.
I looked at Rudraansh and saw his eyes lit with fire. I hoped my eyes matched the hatred I was feeling for this man.
Don't challenge me. His eyes said.
Oh! I will beat you just fine. I hope mine conveyed.
With a last look, I left.
I could feel Rudraansh's gaze burning a hole in my back. He was in for a really difficult ride, a distructive one, if he continued being a bully. I hated bullies, and I had a very good reason as to why. After all, the remnants of my anxiety meds were a sign that some temporary people did permanent damage.

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