The Deep Dig.

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Rudraansh's POV
"Drop me at the office." I told my dad's driver. I didn't have one. Because really, what was the point of importing an Aston Martin, if I drove in a chauffeured Rolls?
"Beta, why don't you come along to the party? You know your mom is eager to set you up." My dad said.
Of course he would think that, he made the money, but his and mom's was a young love. They met when dad was just expanding his father's business in tech. She didn't know that my dad was a bigshot. In my dad's eyes, she gave a chance to the underdog. Hence their love sustained. But most of these ladies that are in the party, they were different. They didn't want to marry Rudraansh Singhania, the businessman, they wanted to marry Singhania's, the business.
"Dad, I wish I could've accompanied you. But I really need to get the merger down and complete by today." I gave him a small smile. He sighed. He knew I was lying to him. "Well if that's what you feel." He returned my smile.
"When is Didi coming back?" I asked. "Tomorrow evening, aren't you excited?" He said with a chuckle.
I was beyond excited, tomorrow would be the first time I saw my little nephew. My sister gave me another one of those love goals. She met my brother in law while working for his company as a PRO. The man had one look at her, and decided it was his life's mission to woo her. He took 6 months to even get her to agree for a date. And as they say, the rest is history. "I am beyond excited dad" I told him. His eyes twinkled.
At this point, I feel lost. After my last failed relationship, not so long ago. I felt like I was destined to be alone. Just the thought of my last relationship made me fume.
My phone pinged in my hand. It was from my personal detective. And I immediately felt my mood lift. I had asked him to gather information on Rehmat, nothing too deep or too sensitive, but just enough to give me an idea.
I opened the document and started reading. Around three lines into the document, I realised, I knew Rehmat. From the Shanghai Conference. I met her there, and even though she was only a young girl back then, she was very much like she is now. God. How could she slip from my mind? Well, it might be because we never shared any personal details with her. Hell, I didn't even know her last name. She knew mine though, considering that I was, back then, a new graduate and assisting my dad's entire team representing the company. She didn't recognise me, and that stung. I thought we had been close. Although, considering that I lacked her memory too, I couldn't hold it against her.
I reached the office and got down. Waved at dad and went ahead into the office.
"Your doubt about Daksh being the cheat, was correct." Ranveer, my best friend and cousin told me.
My blood immediately boiled. When I designed the app to track people's health issues and their medication etc. Our rival company, teased a similar set up. I instantly knew, that there was a rat. Daksh was one of ours. His dad had assured me that he would be a good addition to the company. Since his father was now retired and his son clearly was nothing but an inconvenience, he was going down.
"Get his termination printed, and send me the mail that shall go to every big tech conglomerate in the country, blacklisting him." My eyes were spitting fire.
"Already done boss. May god have mercy on the poor bitch, because I know, you won't." Ranveer said.
"I won't." I confirmed.
As I sat in my office, behind my oak wood desk. I heard a knock.
"Come in". I said.
Daksh entered all smiles.
"Hello, Rudraansh! You wanted to see me." He cheerily asked. I hated liars and cheats. But more I hated liars and cheats dressed as admirers.
"Daksh. How is Aditya?" I asked, mentioning the CEO of rival company. Daksh immediately blanched, turning paper white.
Aditya Singh was my classmate in school, college, and even masters. His dad and mine started at the same time. His father was as successful if not more, he had my absolute respect. But his son on the other hand, was an A class jerk. He was competent but in a disgusting way. Worse for him, he was always behind me.
"How would I know about him?" He looked anywhere but in my eyes. He was a pathetic liar.
"Well, considering you just gave him a pendrive with the code to our latest development, I would assume you would know." I said, barely stopping my molars from grinding.
"It wasn't me." He muttered.
"How much did he offer you?" I said, getting up and rounding my desk.
"I swear to god, Rudraansh..."
"I asked How much!?!." I shouted. My voice echoed from the walls of my office.
"I am sorry." He shivered.
"No you are not, but you will be. When I am done with you, you will wish you never stepped foot in this building." I seethed. Going nose to nose with this pathetic excuse of a human being.
"Pick up the letters Daksh. One is your Letter of termination, citing the reason to be violation of the contract of employment. The other letter is a copy of your resume, which has been forwarded to every tech conglomerate in the country, blacklisting you." I said, sitting back in my chair.
"No. Please no." He begged.
"Out of my office before I call the security." I said.
He moved away, without saying a word. Good for him.
I dialed Ranveer.
"Yes boss."
"Put your best hackers to use. Take down the security firewall of Aditya's company. Start a rumor that the data of the people who have been using his app is leaked. However ensure that, no data is actually leaked." I gave him the orders.
"Yes boss." He said, immediately sounding ready to take down the world.
That's the thing about me though, I can hate and love, without inhibition.
The game might've been started by him, but it will definitely be my pen, writing the full stop.
"Mr. Singhania, Congratulations on successful takeover. As of 11:43 AM, the legal team reports a complete transition of your most recent company." My assistant chirped in.
I smiled.
"Thank you, Vanessa." I said. "Let's arrange a meet and greet for this occasion, invite our closest." She nodded.
"And Vanessa. Add Ms. Rehmat Raizada from our law firm, into the guest list." I said. Vanessa narrowed her eyes, but then she left with a "Yes sir."
Well, another opportunity to meet Rehmat. It made my heart flip in anticipation. I couldn't wait to finally be able to see her. This was fun.

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