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Rehmat's POV

It was finally my day out with the girls. I couldn't have been more excited. None of us were particularly drinkers, but they enjoyed an occasional drink or two, I on the other hand, did not touch alcohol because of my medication.
I was dressed in my dark blue one piece that has a crisscross back and a shimmery fabric. Very Barbie-esque. Aanvi was wearing a dark red jumpsuit that highlighted her gorgeous legs, she was the tallest in the group, and Tara was right there wearing a two piece hot pink dress. I would admit, if only to myself, that we looked hottt!

We took my car and went to the nearest club, which was jam packed when we reached there.

"We need to order drinks, bitcheees!" Aanvi said in a loud hoot.
"I am not drinking alcohol, so neither are you." Tara gave her a stink eye.
"What? Why?" Aanvi pouted.
"Because Reh isn't and I won't let her deal with our drunken selves." Tara ended with a look of love towards me.
"But we don't even get drunk, T." Interjected Aanvi
"Yes, we don't. But you never know which shady human will slip a drug into your drink and that's just not safe." Tara, always the voice of reason, said.
"Guys, relax. I don't think any of us needs alcohol at all. We are meeting after so long, let's just dance and have fun!" I ended, with a big smile.
Both of them gave me a nod and we ordered our mocktails and started having fun.

We talked and talked. I told both of them about Rudraansh and Taara looked at me like I had grown a second head, "You are telling me that you have been butting heads with the Singhania heir all this time?" She asked.
"He is an ass. A damn hot one, but still." I said, haughtily.
"I have heard rumours about him. Someone once told me that he fractured the skull of a guy who had tried to touch his sister. He did that in a gala. With all the hotshots present." Aanvi said, sipping on her lemonade.
"It's all hearsay. But still, he has the kind of money and power to do away with everything, even a murder." Taara said.
I thought back to the look he had when Maanav was talking to me and suddenly I did think that he was capable of such cruelty. He wasn't twisted or anything, he just looked like a sheathed blade. He looked as if he was a volcano ready to spit lava. There was a restless energy around him, which was cloaked by his aura of self assurance, arrogance and power. I don't even think people would have noticed that part of him unless they looked close enough. He was better guarded than Taj, and that was saying a lot.

"Enough about me. Taara, how have you been?" I asked.
"Do not even ask me. Dad is passing over the cases to me one by one, and it has become my nightmare. I sometimes contemplate giving it up and just being a normal lawyer, without the pressure of carrying on my dad's legacy. But I know how fortunate I am to have that stand in the profession." She completed with a sigh.
God, she looked tired.
"Enough of the sad talk guys, let's go dance!" Aanvi started to get up.
"Yes lets!" Tara and I squealed, for once being back to our happy selves.

I was en route to the dance floor when I felt this sudden urge to turn. I turned and my eyes widened.
Standing there, looking as handsome as ever in his washed denim and black leather jacket, was Rudraansh. He was drinking whisky from his tumbler and laughing at something Ranveer was saying. He had another friend there with him, whom I didn't recognise.

As if sensing my gaze on him, he turned and our eyes met. I felt a zap of awareness run down my body. His eyes widened as if he was surprised to see me.
Well technically he should be, we had only met again a few days ago, and we had already met thrice.

He gave me a sexy as sin smirk, then turned a little to look at me. He leisurely brought his tumbler till his eyes and winked at me. Fuck! How did this man make a wink look so sexy?

"Stop ogling the poor guy Reh, what the fuck!" I jumped hearing Aanvi whisper into my ear. It was then I realised that I was standing smack bam in the middle of the dance floor, staring at Rudraansh.
I shook my head, melting into a puddle. How embarassing.
"Let's dance before he thinks I am fangirling over him!" I hissed, turning away to the dance floor.
"You totally are." Said Taara, both her and Aanvi smiling at each other.
"Am not." I added.
"Are so." Both of them said in unison.
Damnit! The whole country did not need to know about my crush on the man. Although it was illogical considering he has been nothing but a dick to me all this while. Maybe, I still adored the idea of the young Shanghai Rudraansh. Yep, definitely that.
"Shut up and move your ass." I said, starting to dance.

Rudraansh's POV

I was at the same club as Rehmat. Was this a coincidence? Absolutely not, I wasn't ashamed to admit that my PI had told me of her whereabouts. Did I care? Again, absolutely not.
I do not know what it was or how it happened, but I felt this compulsive need to be with her and look at her and just, exist, around her. She had a way of making me feel peace. Even if she was throwing those snippy, sarcastic comments, it was like my entire being lightened around her. I did not have to be the Rudraansh Singhania around her, I did not have to put a facade. She did not tip toe around me, looking for a favour or trying to catch my eye. She was just there, going head to head with me, dishing out insults and the fact that she was beautiful just added to it all.

She wasn't the refined beauty that ran in my circle of socialites. She wasn't acting to be docile or did not carry that airheaded quality. She was beautiful in a way that made people look up and take notice. She was beautiful in a way that appealed to more than just eyes. Her confidence, her ability to put people at ease, all of it was a part of her soul.
Only people who knew darkness could wield power so well, and something told me, that Rehmat had a deep acquaintance with the dark.

"Never thought I would see my man so smitten!" Ranveer said, drolly.
"He has got it bad. But come on dude, look at her, who wouldn't." Ansh, my close friend added. I shot him a glare that said back off. He raised his arms in a sign of surrender.
"That woman is definitely fire! Ansh, you have to see her talk. I could listen to her till the end of time." Ranveer was hell bent of testing me today. "She has this clean, slightly husky voice. Not shrill like some women I have know in the past." He shot me a look filled with swagger. He was talking about Ria, she had quite a shrill voice. How I didn't get a headache from it, I wouldn't know.
"I believe you Ranveer! I seriously do." Ansh added, signing the waiter for another drink.
"And boy, the way she walks, it is as if she is gliding. She has the perfect bod.." My hand was on his neck before he could complete that sentence.
"Say one more thing about her and look at me smash your head on this fucking glass cabinet." I said between clenched teeth.
My patience was at its limit today, has been since discovering Maanav's obsession.
Ranveer smirked, "I will, if you admit that you are dying for this woman. I have never seen you so riled up over a girl." He said.
"I am not dying for her, okay? It's just that she makes me feel less lost. She makes me feel like Rudraansh and not just Singhania. It's like my breath comes easier around her and whenever I hear her snark, I have this intense urge to either kiss her or lock her up in a room so that no one else gets to see what is mine." I completed.

Ranveer's eyes softened, "She is good for you. More, she is good to you" and then his tone turned cocky, "she will also keep your gigantic ego in check. Thank me that I didn't try on her two months back, otherwise you wouldn't have stood a chance."
I let my feral smirk out, "You are stupid if you think I would've let anything or anyone keep me away from Rehmat. You know, because, she looks like that."
"Looks like what?" He asked.
"She looks like Mine!" I said with a smile.

"Rudra, I think she needs you." Ansh's voice was terse. I looked around and saw Maanav trying to put his hands on Rehmat, she looked at him giving her friends a small smile. She mouthed "Give us a minute," and started pulling Maanav aside.

"I need to go to her." I said, already taking off after her.
"Do not do anything violent Rudra, Rehmat needs to trust you, to let you in!" Ranveer called out. I couldn't guarantee anything, just looking at the hands of that fucker on my woman was enough to make the Red haze fall on my eyes.

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