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Rudraansh's POV
I saw her leaving, her hips swaying. I don't know why, but this woman kept ruling me up. I wanted her to like me, but my mouth kept betraying my wishes. I was pissing her off, every time. Although, I must admit, if only to myself, that seeing her pissed was fucking beautiful. Her eyes lit up, and her mouth; god that mouth. I had all kinds of fantasies running around in my head, for that pretty little mouth of hers.
"I like her. She's amazing." My sister said, staring at her retreating back.
"Very much so." Varun added. Putting his arm over my sister's shoulder.
Once upon a time, I would've laughed at the smitten look in his eyes, but right now, I felt jealous, jealous that I didn't have a person of my own. I wanted what they and mom dad had. I wanted that love and that dedication.
"She is definitely sharp." My mom agreed.
"Well, if all three of you are going to keep singing her praises, maybe I should just walk away." I said, sounding irritated.
"Beta, We say it as we see it. She is a young woman, a beautiful one, with a wit. She is someone, anyone would like." My mom said, touching my bicep.
"Yes Rudra, I must say, your taste in friends has upgraded, a lot. She is fiery and will keep you on your toes."
"Varun, can we stop talking as if she is someone extremely important please? Shes a colleague. Nothing more, nothing less." I added, a little sharply.
"A colleague who is unafraid to stand before the big, bad, alpha Mr. Rudraansh Singhania. What is it that the Time's calls you again? Ah yea, the Golden alpha." My sister said, cradling my nephew.
"This Golden alpha is a single piece only, thank you very much!" I added.
My sister scrunched her nose up,"Ew! Did you just refer to yourself in the third person?"
And as soon as she ended her sentence, my little guy started crying.
"Love, I think we should take a break." Varun said. Aaliya nodded and turned around to leave.
I was now left alone with my mom.
"Rudra, I know you have been upset from the past few months. Ria did hurt you, she killed your ability to trust and every instinct you had about love. But beta, how long will you let that stop you?" My mother said, with her palm against my cheek.
"Mom, I don't want to discuss it."
"No let me complete. I know you feel like you can't trust your judgement anymore. Do you think I don't know why you stopped attending parties with us? I know you want to be seen as Rudraansh and not as the heir to the throne of Singhania's. And believe me, I want that for you. But for that, you have to lower your walls. You can't expect someone to choose you, when you aren't even giving them an option to see you." With that, she left.
I was left thinking on my own. Was that why I was being mean towards Rehmat?
Ria fucked me up, and she fucked me up real bad. Ria and I became friends when we got into the same college, and in the same branch. We hit it off immediately, with our mutual love for cars and worship for F-1.
When both of us entered Stanford, that was when we started feeling things for each other. She was there, whenever and wherever I needed her. What drew me in as her confidence in herself. She was unapologetically Ria, and that made me fall head over heels for her. We had shared some amazing memories, I shared my deepest insecurities with her. Told her how I always felt like a shadow of my father and had this gnawing ache in my heart that kept telling me I wasn't good enough, I wasn't nice enough. All of it, she had listened to and even pretended to understand. I even brought her home and introduced her to mom and dad. Although Aaliya warned me that she found her fishy. Aaliya said she looked too perfect, too much like an ideal image. But I was too fucking blind to see it.
I saw her and thought that she understood me. That was all until I listened to her talk to her sister about me - "Poor Rudraansh feels like he is my dream guy. Obviously not. Why the hell would I plan on going to the same stupid college ashim and listening to his rambling bullshit. Nobody ever loves the heir, they only love the money that he brings in." 
Ria had used my insecurity against me. She thought of me as her ticket to the world of rich and influential. She always did seem way more interested in my connections and always insisted on joining me but I chalked it all up to my dedication for her and her extroverted personality. It all fell into place when I saw her laugh about it, with her sister.
That day, I met her at a hotel room. We did get physical and after the end of it, I looked at her dead in the eye and told her that she was just not good enough to be my wife. I told her that since nobody ever loves an heir, this one was going to bring a heiress. She looked shocked and then had the audacity to even look hurt. She called me names, prick to douche, everything. But then again, my emotional detachment game was strong. I cut her off and now had no idea where she was.
My self introspection was interrupted by my father. "Rudra, meet Manav, he is  currently leading the market operations at Arnav's company." I had no idea who Arnav was or what my dad was talking about, but I made a mental note to read it up later.
"Rudraansh Singhania. Pleasure to meet you." I shook his hand.
"Maanav Singh. And the Pleasure is all mine." He said with the firm shake.
"Dad, I don't see Ranveer anywhere. Is he not here yet?" I looked at dad.
"Ah! He has been here for an hour now Rudraansh, there he is." I turned my eyes in the direction of my father's arm and saw Ranveer talking animatedly to, none other than, Rehmat. What was it with men, gravitating towards Rehmat.
"Oh, I see Rehmat is here." Manav added.
I had this foreign, intense urge to hit every guy in the room for even looking at Rehmat. Manav's tone held a familiarity though. That took me by surprise.
"You know her?"
"Yes, I do. Very well in fact." He said it in a tone that suggested they were close.
Before I could say anything Ranveer appeared at my side. "Hello Manav, fancy seeing you here." Ranveer had a tone, he didn't like Manav. I didn't like him too, but my reason was illogical. I can't hate people for knowing Rehmat now? Or can I?
"Hello, Ranveer. Why don't you and Rudraansh take your time talking while Mr. Singhania and I would go greet Rehmat?" With that, he left.
"Ranveer. Do you know Rehmat?" I pointedly asked him.
"I do, infact, I have known her for over two months now. Since the merger. why?" He asked.
"Well, I am telling you, from now on, you don't know her. Stop flirting with her before everyone. She is off-limits." I added, my jaw tight.
Ranveer gave me a cunning smile, "Is that jealousy I smell Rudra?"
"No you dumb-nut, she is an important part of the business and I don't want to lose her over your shit flirty skills." I said, averting my eyes to look at Manav, placing his hand on Rehmat's back. That fucker.
"Well, well, well. Sure. That's the only reason you are shooting me away." Ranveer said, his eyes tracing the same path as mine.
"Rudraansh. If you want her, you make her yours. Don't go around threatening other guys." Ranveer said, with a small head shake.
"I don't want her." Who was I lying to, I did.
Ms. Raizaada was soon going to find out that it never paid well to taunt men like me.
I was going to make her mine. That was a promise, in my head.
But first, "Get me all the information you can, on Manav Singh."
Rehmat was like the moon. Everyone kept admiring her. And the only way to have the moon to yourself was to become their sun.
Ms. Raizaada was going to be swept off her feet and she wouldn't even know what hit her. I smiled to myself.
Challenge accepted, baby. 

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