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Rudraansh's POV

Leaving Rehmat alone, even to shower, went against every fibre of my being. I don't know when or how, but my feelings for Rehmat had turned into a very strong tornado from a mild breeze. I had thought that I was just possessive and mildly obsessed with her because she challenged me. But today, seeing the sleazy fucker's hands on her, they made me realise that I was joking with myself. Rehmat was quickly becoming more than just a passing fancy, she was becoming my aphrodisiac.
I lied to her yet again about the guest room situation. My cleaning crew came in almost every week to air all the rooms and keep them tidy. I did not usually bring women to the penthouse, because this was my own home, the one I bought from my own money, doing free lancing and shit, when I was still in college. But with Rehmat, taking her to the bachelor pad, felt wrong. And seeing as how much she loved this place, the windows, I was glad I brought her here.
She made me the happiest man, without even trying. Her genuine reactions and her ability to appreciate without any malice or ulterior motive, made me breathe easy.
I got to the kitchen and dialed Ranveer. He picked up on the second ring.
"Did you check the periphery of her house?"
"All clean. He did not appear there." His voice was terse. He hated seeing me beat a man to pulp Today.

It was nothing, for Rehmat, I would burn the whole world down.

"I want you to get the security team to install secret cameras all through her house. Everywhere but the bathroom. Make sure they are inconspicuous." I glanced at the still shut door of my room, Rehmat was in the shower.
"Rudra. I know this isn't my place to say, but I don't think Rehmat will take kindly to you invading her privacy this way." Did he really care about it? Rehmat would understand, if she ever got to know.
"Ranveer " my voice came out gruff "Do as you are told. This is the question of her safety. Nobody should be able to bypass her security measures. I want access to all the cameras, and ensure that it's only me who gets that access." Rehmat needed protection, and thats what she will get.
This wouldn't last long anyways.
I fully intended to have her fall for me, and become the Mrs. Singhania soon enough.
I knew it sounded presumptuous, but I was the fucking Rudraansh Singhania. I was famous for going after what I wanted, and taking it. Rehmat was already mine in theory, all that was left was for her to become mine in reality.
"Fine. I will get it done. Have a good night!" His voice sounded defeated.
"You too." I cut the call and turned.
Just in time to see Rehmat coming out of the room. Wearing my T-shirt, which fell till her mid thigh, and my shorts tied around her waist. Her hair was up in a bun, with a few tendrils framing her face.
"Hi! Thank you for the clothes." She said shyly, tucking the piece of stray hair behind her ear.
God! If this woman asked me for my life, I would probably hand her my own gun. She was everything, and then some.
"No need to thank me. They look better on you anyways!" I smiled.

She blushed and waved a hand in the air, "Come on Mr. Singhania, you have the most perfect body I have seen on a man and you don't look like you sit on a chair all day and work away on a computer alth...." She stopped before completing her sentence. Her ears reddening now, as if realising the slip up she just made with the statement.
"You think I have a perfect body Ms. Raizaada? Have you been checking me out?" I pushed closer to her, standing almost toe to toe.
I was a good head taller and she craned her neck.
Then she gave me one of the sexiest, haughtiest smirk and said, "I haven't been checking you out Mr. Singhania, but what use is beauty if not admired."

This woman was going to the death of me. I swear.
My hands instinctively cupped her cheek. And before I could even think, my mouth blabbered the sentence that I didn't think I would say so soon.

"Go out on a date with me Rehmat. Give me one evening."

Her eyes widened, "You have met me 2 weeks ago, and you want to date me?" She sounded shocked.

"Time is relative, Rehmat. I might've met you again two weeks back. But I knew you way before. Shanghai was beautiful with you, even if it were only for 5 days back then." My hands still caressed her cheek. She smelled like my body wash, and that made me so damn happy. I felt like a caveman, trying to smother Rehmat.

"I have changed a lot since Shanghai, Rudraansh." Something akin to sadness passed through her eyes, so quick, that I would've missed it, had I blinked. Something about the past was making her sad. There was something bothering her. I wanted to destroy any single thing that dulled the shine of my diamond, my Rehmat.

"Then give me a chance to know you again, Mia Regina. I have seen you work. I have seen you with your friends, my family, everyone. You are like the moon. Everyone wants a piece of you, for themselves. Give me a chance to see this moon up close." I ended, my other arm going around her waist.
She looked at me for a long moment. My hand still on her cheek, her eyes searching for the sincerity in mine. I did not blink, did not even move.
"Okay. One evening." As soon as the words were out of her mouth, I pulled her towards me.
I kissed her forehead and then hugged her to me, tight enough to restrict her breathing. She wrapped her hands around my waist and held me back.

This. This was what was missing from my house.
She was the piece that would make it a home.
She was like solace, like water to a parched traveller.

Everything, every betrayal, every sadness now made sense. All of it guided me towards her. And as I thanked the universe for sending her to me, I also made a promise to myself, Rehmat will be mine.

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