Tough Nut!

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Rehmat's POV
I heard Mr. Singhania's laugh before anything else and my mind immediately went to how I had spoken to Rudraansh. I was a lot of things, but mostly I was a professional. I did not easily lose my calm and when I did, it was an ugly sight. Although I hadn't lost sight today, I had fairly let my mask of indifference slip.
Rudraansh was purposely being a dick, and I could see that. I was used to men trying to intimidate me. This was no different. He was trying to test me. Sad for him, I was not afraid of tests; I excelled at them.
I looked at him, and his eyes were burning with an emotion I couldn't quite place. I gave him my Bitch face and then pulled my hand away from him and turned towards Mr. Sinha, my boss, giving Rudraansh my back. A clear indication that this conversation was over and that I did not fear him. He might think of himself as the big, bad predator but I was no one's prey. He will soon get that.
But well, the knuckle kiss was indeed the most action I had gotten in the past few months. I was so busy making a name for myself that I didn't even go out to party anymore. Hell, I had barely seen my best friends. That needed to be rectified, soon.
Mr. Sinha was smiling ear to ear, his pride evident. I smiled at him and looked at Mr. Singhania. "Gentlemen, shall we have a seat." I said in my most professional tone.
Mr. Singhania nodded at me, as if in appreciation.
As we sat, Mr. Singh's assistant came with 3 cups of coffee and a cup of my ginger tea. I was so not a coffee girl. I smiled a 'thank you' in her direction and looked at Singhania junior (yeah, he didn't earn my Mr. Singhania respect yet.) Boy, was he gorgeous! The curly hair was seriously some summer-sault inducing beauty but then again, he was a living prince. No doubt he would be blessed with beauty.
I knew that I was by no means bad-looking. But the thing with me was, I could never really use my "assets" to my advantage. All that flashing, sexy, smoldering walks and looks weren't for me. I wanted people to look at me with admiration, fear and respect and not lust. Hence the bitch face, one that I had mastered ever since doing my under graduation.
"I understand that my presence was requested for. Is there anything I can do gentlemen?". I questioned.
"We definitely don't pay your firm for nothing Ms. Raizaada." Junior Singhania breathed in my direction.
Very interested in the payment to the firm now, wasn't he.
"Sure Mr. Singhania, what is it that your highness would like to know?" I gave a sarcastic smile.
He smirked, the gorgeous bastard.
"For starters you can tell me what are the requirements that need to be done, now that we are expanding into finance?" He asked me. Was he testing me? Because for real, procedural testing wasn't really the best way to test a Yale passout.
I internally rolled my eyes and kept my cup down. "That would depend on whether you wish to start a subsidiary company Mr. Singhania or if you wish to acquire a company already well established in the buisness. If we go for the former we will have to do the whole process of registration along with setting up the Memorandum of Association and Articles but then again we will have to do the same in the latter scenario as well. We have experts to draft that, I will personally oversee all of it as well. So you see, that's how it will go." I completed in a second.
Mr. Sinha chuckeled and looked at me "Rehmat, I bet this felt akin to a Viva!".
I laughed alound and looked at Junior, he was staring at me very intently. This man can throw his charm around. "It definitely was easier than when my professor roasted me during the Viva, sir." My eyes twinkled. He smiled.
I looked at Singhania Senior, the real Mr. Singhania for me, atleast. "I see now that the accounts are reflecting a good profit margin, sir. Congratulations on the success."
"You can congratulate Rudraansh for it, he has been working really hard on the expansion project." Pride shone in his eyes. He was definitely someone who was extremely proud of his son. Well, my father talked the same way about me. This time I didn't make a bitch face or a snarky remark, rather I gave a genuine smile towards Rudraansh "Great work so far, I look forward to working with you." I said.
"Likewise Ms. Raizaada, I seriously hope you can work really hard because unlike my dad here, I don't accept tardiness." He was being bossy again. Men. Seriously.
"If this was a threat Mr. Singhania, you are knocking the wrong door. I didn't reach where I am by smiling and admiring my reflection". I said, crossing my legs and giving him my most confident smirk. This man was in for a surprise.
"Ms. Raizaada, your next client is out here for a meeting, it has something to do with the AoA." Andy announced after knocking.
I turned towards him and nodded. "Thank you gentlemen, I hope to see you soon. Please take care Mr. Singhania" I looked towards Ranveer Singhania and then I turned my head towards the junior and said "May your term as the CEO bring much more than what you imagined." I was being genuine and this shocked him. God, men. So easy to surprise. I internally laughed. I did a mock salute and left the room.
"This woman is something" I heard senior Singhania say.
I let out a laugh. You have absolutely no idea, sir, none. I thought to myself and walked towards my next meeting.
"Let's mint some money Andy! I have a feeling today is going to be a good day." I passed by Andy's desk.
"When is it not a good day for the Rehmat Raizaada?" He said chuckling.
Come to think of it, he was right.
Well only until my anxiety didn't trigger in.
Not a good thought, I told myself.
"Good morning ma'am, let's set you up now, shall we. How may I assist you." I said entering my office.
Today is going to be a good day Rehmat. I told myself.

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