North Star!

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Rudraansh's POV

Although today was a Friday, it was extremely busy for me. I was so ready to take over as the CEO but when today, I entered my office, I knew everything would change. I knew that I earned everything in the room, but I also knew that I had to work twice as hard as dad. Because I still had the restlessness to become the first Rudraansh and not the second Randhir.

I sat at my oakwood desk and called my secretary, "Venessa, please ask Ranveer to be here."
"Sure thing, bossman!" She said and winked at me. My secretary flirted with me openly and I didn't really care. But atleast she was good at her work.  I had no energy to go through and replace her. That was too much work.

Ranveer entered into the office. I looked at him and beamed, he was my best friend and my greatest cheerleader. "Ranveer, this is you formal letter, you are now my COO." I said, clapping a hand on his shoulder.

He smiled and gave me a man hug," Its an honor Rudraansh. I will be with you every step of the way. No matter what. You will have me."
"I know. I couldn't ask for more." I said back.

Our moment of brotherhood was broken by the ringing of Ranveer's phone.
"Oh it's Raed, the man who was digging dirt on Maanav for me. Let me pick this up."
I nodded, he put the call on speaker.

"Let me cut to the chase. Maanav is the son of Arnav Singh, the owner of the advertising and management company, he is an MBA from Wharton, who came back a few months ago. Father dearest paid a heavy donation to get him in. My man is a serial dater, and also has stalking tendencies. He also has been involved in gambling a few times."

"Stalking? Who was he stalking?" Ranveer asked.

"Oh, he was seen near the house of his ex a few times in the past few weeks. Lurking around, not really coming out in light." Raed replied.

"Who is this ex we are talking about?" Ranveer looked at me.

"A woman called Rehman Raizada, some hotshot lawyer." I clenched my jaw hard. Maanav was Rehmat's ex and a crazy one at that. I didn't want that man near her.

"Well, are there any more questions?" Raed's tone was impatient.
"Thanks Raed, you will have the money deposited in a few minutes." Ranveer said and ended the call.

"Looks like the girl you are so obsessed with, has multiple people obsessed with her. Maanav seemed problematic, but then again, to me, everyone does." Ranveer was right. He was problematic.

I smiled, I could feel it on the feral side. "Well, let's see. I need to do something I haven't done in quite a while."
"You are going to hack into his socials,phone and even his laptop right?" Ranveer asked, smiling.

Damn right I was! I was not just a"for show" tech CEO. I was a brilliant hacker and nobody could get to know I was there, unless I wanted them to. I wasnt arrogant, I just knew my worth.

"I will. I have around 15 minutes to spare." I said. Ranveer chuckled.
"Good luck! Holler if you need me!" I nodded a yes and got to work.

As soon as I broke in, my brain blanked and red haze fell over me. Nobody except for my father knew of my anger issues. I had once beaten a man to pulp because he touched Mishika wrong. I had broken noses for reasons less than looking at me wrong.
My brain went on a loop and I had the urge to kill and maul,and more specifically maul Maanav.
Because in his phone were photos of Rehmat, from everywhere. Rehmat smiling at a baby, Rehmat getting out of her car, her in her bedroom's window, her dancing in a club, just her everywhere.
The sight was enough to make me loose my shit.
I encrypted his entire data, and made it look like a cyber attack.

This man was nuts, and Rehmat needed protection, like yesterday. Nobody was going to put a hand on my woman.

Did I just call her my woman? Yes. Because she was going to be. I wasn't joking when I told momI had found my queen.

My speaker chirped in, "Mr. Singhania, the Japanese clients are on line now, line 2." Vanessa chirped in.
"Thank you, Vanessa." I turned into my professional self.
Later today Rehmat was going to meet me. I swore as I joined the meet.

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