Tomorrow comes never.

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Rudraansh's POV

I had done enough digging on Rehmat. I was not ashamed to admit that she was my obsession but I was not prepared for what I heard today. It was beyond my imagination. It broke me. Rehmat was cheated by the very people she trusted. She shouldn't have been put in such a position. She shouldn't have been put in such... In such sadness. She did not deserve it.
My first instinct was to call Ranveer and have all the information of this woman taken out. But for that, I would have had to tell him about the story of her. It was not my place to tell him. It was her story, only she could tell it. And it wasn't like I did not have secrets of my own. There were reasons behind my anger issues as well. Reasons only my father knew about, reasons he blamed himself for. Reasons, that if it were up to me, would remain forever hidden, from Rehmat. Only Ria knew about them but I was going to ensure that they never came to light.

I fired my laptop and sat into my home office, digging dirt on the woman that destroyed my Rehmat's life. I came up empty handed. Except for her criminal records, there was nothing. She truly had influential parents. There was not an iota of digital footprint. Well, well, well. The culprit didn't hide himself well all the time. She would slip some day, and I would wait for her, that day. To destroy everything. Just like she did.

And while we were at it, I wiped the offshore money of Maanav's account.  A few million dollars missing would not trip his father's scale but would definitely give him a shocker. He did not get to mess with Rehmat and live to tell the tale. He would sooner or later, die, and that would come sooner, if it were up to me.

I did not deserve Rehmat. And I knew that. But then, neither did anyone else. And I would work very hard to keep her. I would do everything in my power to make her believe that I was the man for her. She would love me. I would ensure that. Did that make me manipulative? Yes. But ofcourse, no war could be won without coercion.

And the victory here would mean Rehmat. I would not pass up on that.

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