Mornings and afters.

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Rehmat's POV

Rudraansh had dropped me off on Saturday morning and I had a relatively nice weekend. We did not have a conversation after, but he did text me, and somehow, he was back to being his rude, mean self. His last text to me was

"Ms. Raizaada, we need to get this paperwork done. Preferably in this lifetime."

So of course, being the sweetheart that I am, I replied with

"Yes sir, we are taking the life of Queen Elizabeth as our reference and not Princess Diana. My warmest regards."

That man has no concept of time, and I know I am in a law firm but 7.32 in the morning is not a time for work related texts. But whatever.

I did not have any communication whatsoever with him. I was jam packed today. I had a few meetings with some bigshots. Mr. Sethi was here today as well, and I was not sure why, because ideally we did not really take on two competing clients. It went against business policices. Well, it was clearly not my concern since he was sitting in one of the other offices. I passed by, giving him a small smile. He returned one. Objectively, he was good looking. Well, not godly like a certain curly haired, choclate boy, but good looking enough.

"Madam Raizaada, why are we dressed in Blue today?" Andy asked, falling in step with me.
"Power play. We are trying to win the trust of a few new ones today Andy. Is this flattering enough?" I did a fast twirl, and swiped my long hair over one shoulder.
His slow chuckle followed me, "If these are younglings, the deal is yours, if they are a little old, well even then, you know, it is yours. But tell me, why do you smell like a bakery?" He sniffed around me like I somehow offended his olfactory receptors.

"What the fuck Andy?" Okay, so I might've went a little overboard when I told the lady at the fragrance shop about the wish to smell like Vanilla, but hey, I liked it.
"What? Next time take me with you." He went away grumbling about how I can't be trusted with anything in life.
Little fucker. Anyway, "Gentlemen, I am Rehmat Raizaada. Thank you so much for being here today." And the game face, was on.

The meeting lasted over 5 hours and by the time it ended, I was well and truly tired. It was already past 7 but I had a few things to wrap up which I was trying to end. By the time I was done, I just wanted to crash for the night. Andy had already left. A quick look at the time suggested it was past 9 which meant I was the only one left in the office. The sacrifices I make for that fucking paycheque. I loved my job, but God, I loved, sleeping in and chilling in life more.

My phone started ringing just as I was leaving the office. Rudraansh Singhania. No, I did not have the energy for this.

"Hello, Mr. Singhania. How can I serve you?" sarcasm, thy name is Rehmat.
"Ms. Raizaada. The paperwork which has been sent has a few things that need to be rectified." Wow, of course, condescending asshole.
I rolled my eyes. It did not. I proof read the document. It was perfect.
"Please tell your secretary to mail it directly to me Mr. Singhania, I will redraft it first thing tomorrow morning."
"These are urgent papers Ms. Raizaada. It can't wait." His voice sounded, oddly, teasing.
"I am a lawyer by profession Mr. Singhania, every paperwork is urgent and every client is either loosing money, going up jail or going bankrupt. Believe me, it will be done before you reach your desk tomorrow." I looked towards the heavens as I entered the elevator. God save me from difficult clients
"No Ms. Raizaada. I need you to look at them right now. Please get on the case." and with that the call abruptly ended.

Huh? What? What the actual fuck? Did he just order me around? I started dialing him back, fuming and the line went busy.
Did the asshole really cut the call on me?
I was about to rain hell on him when blinding lights hit me in the eyes. I squinted to see past the face.

Rudraansh. With a huge bouquet Gardenias. Wearing a white button down, sleeves rolled up, and standing out, having a grin on his stupidly handsom face.
"What are you doing here?" I asked going near him, stepping before him.

"Chaand ko dekhne ke liye asmaan ke thoda kareeb toh aana padega na, Rehmat."  He said, tucking the stray hair that fell on my eye, behind my ear, tenderly.
His voice was like melted better. A shiver rolled over my skin.
This man will be the death of me.

And then, just like the first day, he took my hand in his, turned it around and kissed my knuckles.
"I am here to collect the date that you promised me."

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2023 ⏰

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