5. Carpe Diem baby

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Just a quick updated before I get to the hot stuff. Please if you're reading - let me know your thoughts! X

"The sweet stuffs out!" Sarah announced, sticking her head out the open door urging us to return. I shot a soft smile Harry's way as he extended his arm out, signalling me to let me walk ahead.

I could feel him trailing a step behind. I was hyper aware because it was like there was some electricity just emanating off of him. I was in a shocked daze, too. The song? And for me? He'd all but confirmed it but I couldn't nail down exactly why he'd done it.

I made a swift move for the bathroom so I could update Annie on my evening. Quickly filling her in to confirm that yes, that damn cover was for me. She took no time to reply.

An ❤️‍🔥
Text Message
I would die to be a fly on the wall. Carpe Diem baby x

Returning to the table I was greeted with an array of decadent looking desserts. I also noted that several bottles of Japanese whisky had been bought to the table. As I positioned myself back into my seat, Lee was already busy pouring low glasses for everyone, which had me laugh nervously. That was fuel for a dangerous fire tonight.

"We've a few days off" Sarah cut in, grabbing a glass, as if she were reading my mind. My expression must have been obvious. It's not that I didn't want it - I loved whisky more than most, but that was the problem sometimes.

"Live a little" she continued playfully, pushing a glass towards me.

Slowly the party started migrating across to an adjacent private room containing a quaint cocktail bar, several couches, booths and high tables. Dark rich wood grains and deep reds decorated the space. My ears were greeted by the familiar sound of 'Monks' by Frank Ocean. One of my favourites.

It wasn't until I was standing that I realised just how intoxicated I had become. I beelined for the bar and ordered a whisky sour - another one of my favourites with plan to just sit on it. I made my way over to Tommy who was sitting in a booth with a female I hadn't yet been aquatinted with, hesitating to sit when I saw the all-too familiar body language.

Leaning in, speaking up next to her ear, a light touch of her leg. Her arm.

He was working her. And hard.

I would be in full denial if I said I didn't feel a slight ache of jealousy but I tried my best to shake it off, meandering over to Ny who was sat with Pauli in a curved booth.

"A cherry for mon Cheri" Ny smiled, nodding towards my drink as I sat down.

"My favourite" I shrugged, my finger toying with the bobbing candied cherry garnishing my drink. The three of us sunk into deep conversation about music, discovering how we'd all gotten into it and our journeys so far. Pauli had lots of incredible stories about their career with fashion, creative direction and music. They'd been so humble that they didn't mention they were actually Harry's MD.

"Come - dance!" Elin called from a few steps away, spinning around whimsically encouraging us to do the same. I never did like dancing much, it made me feel foolish.

I laughed and shook my head, "you guys go right ahead...two left feet."

I watched on as the three friends began moving about the open space, laughing and clinking drinks. I felt my phone buzz from my pocket.

Tommy T
Text message
Heading back to the hotel a bit early. So has Lee. See you tomorrow kid x

Almost too instinctively, I begun to scan the room to see if that woman had stuck around or if she'd fallen victim. I had no reason to care but old habits saw my response become somewhat auto-pilot.

"Looking for someone?" a dark, English accent interrupted my search.

"No one important" I returned with a smile.

I straightened up my posture while he slid into the booth next to me, two empty glasses and a bottle of whisky in his ring clad hands. Hands had always been my thing and his were nice to look at. I briefly wondered what they'd feel like on me.

Stop it, Evie.

I quickly diverted my mind back to a safe place. Placing one of the crystal glasses in front of me, he carefully poured the gold liquid in, before doing the same for the glass in front of himself.

"Cheers" he said with a raise of the glass, his sharp green eyes on mine.

I met my glass with his. "Cheers..."

I'd had a fair bit to drink - it was evident he had too, but under his influence, I became shy. With no immediate need for an exchange of words between us, he poured another two glasses which we downed as we observed the happy chaos in the room before us.

"So, Cherry..." he began, I assumed referencing on of my songs. He shuffled closer, angling his head to level his mouth closer to the shell of my ear. I looked up at him, unsure where he was going with this.

I wasn't afraid to stare a little in the dark room we were sat. My eyes took note of the details of his face. Every sparse freckle, the light stubble on his chin and the sharp line of his jaw.

"I have a song called Cherry too, you know" he continued.

In my research, I'd heard it and it was a lot prettier than mine. Two very vastly interpretations of the fruit. I smiled to confirm I knew that fact, still unsure the direction he was going when he shot me that knowing, cheeky smile that I was almost beginning to enjoy. It was menacing in the most exciting way.

"What's yours about?" He then asked curiously, his voice still low, pouring yet another drink.

This could get dangerous.

I laughed lightly and decided to just be forthcoming.

"Honestly? Blowjobs."

The corner of his lips twitched into a smile before his tongue lapsed over his plump bottom lip. He seemed amused.

With a very gentle laugh, I continued, "but I'm sure you already figured that out."

Timidly, I shifted my focus back to the nearly empty cocktail sat in front of me, swilling the foamy liquid around in the glass.

"I had my suspicions" he countered, "may I?"

He reached for the glass in my hand, his brief touch sending a jolt of warm electricity through my body, he took a considered sip.

Had I been sat with anyone else, I may have foolishly tried to make a move. The liquor, the music and the moodiness of the surrounds would have made for an excellent excuse had I been in any other situation.  Should I?

Don't do it, Evie.

Fuck it - carpe diem.

I angled my body around gently, taking in a better look of him, our knees now touching beneath the rich wooden tabletop. His green eyes narrowed in on mine curiously, brows slightly furrowed as he propped his chin in his hand, resting his elbow on the table.

Slowly I reached for the candied cherry, now sunken into the remaining white foam in the cocktail glass. Without breaking eye contact, I brought it to my mouth. Slowly I took the red fruit between my lips before taking the whole thing into my mouth. I giggled a little at his bemused expression, as my tongue moved to demonstrate what had always been a flirty party tricky. Satisfied I'd done it correctly, I opened my mouth, extended my tongue and revealed a small knotted cherry stem.

"Christ" he let out in a breathy exhale, adjusting in the seat. If it wasn't so dark, I would have been certain I could see a flush appear at his cheeks. Harry didn't hesitate to take the stem off my tongue and I giggled.

"So that's what the songs about..." he regaled, inspecting the small knotted stem with a blend of awe and bewilderment.

"That's what the songs about" I sheepishly confirmed, returning my gaze out to the bodies continuing to dance about the open area.

Evie | H.S |Where stories live. Discover now