60. It's 5 o'clock somewhere

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The days were long but the weeks were short in the lead up to my departure. So much change was happening around me - it all felt sort of outer-body.

I'd agreed on extending my time in the UK at the request of my label and shortly after, during a meeting with my bosses at what had always been, my 'real job', I'd resigned. They were sad but understanding, and my safety net was the promise that there would be a job for me upon my return - though we all agreed that we hoped I wouldn't need it.

I couldn't believe it really, but after back and forth phone calls with Lee and Sam, they'd convinced me I would need to do it sooner or later and so, I bit the bullet; and that was only the second scariest change.

I'd hardly spoken to Tommy and I hadn't seen him in weeks. This was scary change numero un. He'd come to my door grovelling later that night after I'd left him but after a brief conversation, we both decided we needed some time apart for the sake of our dysfunctional friendship.

I hadn't heard from Harry again and that made me sad; however, I felt strongly that London was going to be a fresh start and a chance for me to focus on me and myself only, and that excited me.

My sister was overtaking my lease while I was away, hers was just about to end and she was keen to test out the area. This was a nice relief as I knew I had a place to come back to and I didn't need to move all my shit into storage. One less stress in the lead-up.

I'd managed to secure a room in a shared flat in Islington which was only around fifteen minutes from the studio I was going to be spending time at in central London. There were a few events booked with the larger label that I'd have to go to for some networking which was a little nerve-wracking but I was going to try my best to just enjoy it.

I'd planned about a week and a bit of doing absolutely nothing so that I had some time to settle in before getting to work and man, I was getting nervous and excited.

My weeks were spent catching up with family and friends. Annie had cried like a baby but was also planing a visit at some stage as she had family outside of London. My parents, God love them, also cried which sobered me up to the realisation that fuck - I was actually doing this. I was doing the thing I'd wanted to do for so damn long. It was finally happening.

Tonight was my last night in Melbourne and it felt fitting to spend it with my band. Sam had recently (and finally, I might add) put a ring on it with his hot girlfriend so we had double the reason to celebrate. Tonight was also the first time I'd be seeing Tommy but the new, self-assured Evie was going in place of the girl he was familiar with. At least I hoped she was anyway.


"Can't believe you finally locked it down" I waggled my brows at Sam as we said our goodbyes out front of the little taco restaurant. "I'm so proud of you".

He pulled me in for a warm hug, holding me that little bit tighter than he usually would. "And I'm proud of you, Eve" he murmured into my hair, "I can't believe you're doing this, don't go forgetting about us little producers when you're working with the likes of Mark Ronson".

I snort-laughed cause Mark Ronson was my number one and the thought was ludicrous, Sam knew that. "He doesn't hold a candle to you, my friend" I smiled playfully. "This trip is because of your hard work, just as it is mine". 

Lee was next on the farewell tour, sunglasses on at night indicated he was either really drunk or emotional, and I know for a fact he'd only had two margaritas. He was now sporting a dark beard which made me see him as an even wiser entity than I already did. "You look after yourself, alright?" He begged, "keep pushing and for fucks sake, stop being so self deprecating - this record is going to blow minds".

Evie | H.S |Where stories live. Discover now