77. Unusually calm

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A bright orangey hue could be seen through my eyelids as I heard the automated curtains quietly trail across the track. The morning sunlight forcing itself into the bedroom from the large window striking me in the face as it hit the bed. I lay on my side, clutching the pillow beneath me, basking in the warmth that was trapped under the soft bedding between us.

"I know you're awake..." Harrys dreamy, hoarse morning drawl saw my lips twitch into a small smile as his fingertips traced up my arm, dipping up under the sleeve of his shirt I slept in and back down to my elbow. I felt him shift behind me and knew his face was hovering over the side of mine as he continued, "I can see your eyes fluttering and that little smile. You're not fooling me."

He was right; I'd been awake for some time but we hadn't had a morning lie-in like this since Australia and it was nice and unusually calm. My mind wasn't racing and overthinking at a million miles an hour for once - I wanted to hold onto that feeling for a little longer. "I'm still sleeping" I imparted with a giggle, my eyes remaining wired shut as he grasped at my shoulder to roll me onto my back.

I felt movement, sensing his knees dipping into the mattress either side of my thigh as he hovered above me. "You're no good to me sleeping, Eve" he chuckled gently, dipping down and grazing his nose against mine.

"I just never want to leave this bed" I admitted softly to which Harry replied with a soft, gentle kiss.

"Then don't. I've got no qualms with you staying in it forever."

I let my eyes flutter open, my blues meeting his hazel greens. I ran my palms up his bare chest, toying with his fine chains. "I wish it were that easy" I sighed.

His soft, full lips nipped at mine again as I ran my hands up over his shoulders to lace around his neck, pulling him closer. "Don't distract me," Harry murmured against my open mouth. "I know your moves, Evie." He reached up and unhooked my hands from around his neck, placing them on my chest as he rose upright, sitting back on his feet. His expression was soft and concerned, but the twitching smirk at his lips suggested he was anticipating a trivial reasoning for the spiral he seemed to have spotted coming before I had time to verbalise it myself. "Penny for your thoughts?"

My lips rolled together and I looked away from him for a moment because his gaze was so disarming. He had me feeling all of these feelings that weren't synonymous with the person I always thought I was. He shuffled back down into the bed, laying next to me. His head propped up with his arm as he continued to analyse me like he always did.

"Last night" I sighed, "it just made me feel like things are back to normal."

"Are they not?" Harry's brow raised, again his lips twitching into a smirk like he was holding back a gentle laugh. "I told you what I wanted last night."

This is the hot portion of the hot and cold, Evie.

"I need clarity" I agonised. The rollercoaster of emotion I'd experienced so far since arriving in London had me forgetting I'd only been here a week or so. "For my peace of mind, I need it in black and white."

"Do you need me to prepare a PowerPoint presentation or something?"

I shot him an unamused eye roll.

"Alright" Harry chuckled, "black and white it is." He brushed his fingers past my hairline, pushing my hair off my face as he rest his head on the pillow to directly address me. His thumb and forefinger then gripped at my chin, tugging it lightly as he spoke. "This...where we're at right now...it's good. I like it" he smiled. "Are you liking this?"


"Then we're on the same page, Eve" he chuckled, "hooray!" I shot him a weak, unconvincing smile and he reached down for my hand, interweaving his fingers with mine. "Is that clarity enough?"

Evie | H.S |Where stories live. Discover now