45. Finish what you start

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A little something - let me know if you like it!! Also shout out to someone at Wembley n1 for being called Evie cause hearing Harry say the name Evie when he helped her come out got me wet tbh hehehehe
It's on tik tok - go look it up 

It was the quickest exit I've made after a show this entire tour. With my body running high on dopamine, noradrenaline and tequila, I was giddy and euphoric. I'd said a quick goodbye to my friends and made haste towards Harry's dressing room.

I should have stuck around with them but they were coming to the show tomorrow and I think they saw a look in my eye that told them 'just let her go, she's being a horn dog'.

"Hello Evie" he had greeted me, sat on a couch wearing only the bottom half of his show outfit as he unlaced his sneakers. His hair was disheveled and parted, undefined curls dangling down his forehead. He was too good to take my eyes off of. I stood in the frame of the door I'd burst through, my heart racing and tongue lapsing over my bottom lip. I just wanted him to bite it.

I'd slammed the door behind me and conducted a quick scan of the room for company before pacing over to straddle his lap.

My lips pressed at his jaw as my hands ran up and down his arms, sticky and shiny with a sheen of sweat from the marathon of a show he'd just put on.

"Woah, woah, woah" he'd grasped my shoulders and pushed me away ever so slightly. "I stink darling, you're going to want me to shower first".

I'd shook my head with pursed lips. No time for a shower. "We're going home. Now".

And now, we were sat in the back of a sprinter van destined for my house desperately trying to keep our hands off each-other because my sister was sat opposite us, getting dropped somewhere nearby on the way.

Ziggy was going to a party only a few blocks away. Harry, ever the gentleman walked her to the front door as I sat in the back while the door was wide open, impatiently waiting for his return. A minute was a minute too long.

Back in his T-shirt and jeans, his hand found the grab-handle as he stepped back into the vehicle. He'd hardly closed the door across before I'd reached for the fabric at the neck of his shirt, pulling him back down next to me.

"You're feisty tonight" he observed between my hungry kisses. Thank god for the partition in the van.

I hummed a non-verbal response, letting my hands run through his unruly hair. I felt a chuckle in his throat as my lips pressed to his neck. His hand running up my thigh and under the threshold of my dress as I continued peppering urgent kisses across his skin.

"What's gotten into you? Is this because of the songs?"

"Mm maybe". I couldn't be bothered to string any further words together.

His hand found my throat, pushing me back slightly. His eyes burned into mine. "Because if it is," he continued, "I'll make note to do it more often".

I was so wrapped up in him, hands exploring every inch I could comfortably reach while sat down in a moving vehicle; I hadn't even thought about the state of my house when I'd left it a few weeks back.

I knew my housemate was around. He was a musician too so always touring, but he'd been home while I was away. He was just away for the weekend, only left today; so I knew the communal areas wouldn't be too messed up. My bedroom on the other hand... I recall a slew of messy clothes, likely empty dishes on my side table and an ashtray that was months overdue for an empty.

"La casa" I presented proudly as I pushed open the front gate of my quaint single story weatherboard home. Harry lugged in our luggage and shut the gate behind me. I watched as his eyes ran over the front facade full of overgrown plants and a couple of old bikes that desperately needed repair.

Evie | H.S |Where stories live. Discover now