64. Whipped cream

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I arose in a cosy king bed in an unfamiliar room. The heavy curtains had been drawn across and light was now filtering through the sheer fabric that hung behind it in waves. The bed frame was a vintage teak with adjoined side tables connected to the headboard. They were pretty bare aside from a copy of 'Norwegian Wood', Aesop hand cream and a small ceramic tray full of delicate chains and chunky rings - all pieces of his jewellery that I'd become familiar with over time.

I looked towards the bedroom door which had been left ajar, I could hear music drifting up the stairwell. I sat upright, holding the soft beige flannel sheets to my bare chest and finally scanned the room with the light of day. Another grand old fireplace that had been painted over white, sat opposite the bed with a framed television fixed on the wall above it. Either side of the fireplace stood a couple of doorways, I assumed leading to an ensuite and a walk-in-closet or something of the like.

How the other half live.

Two single-seater armchairs in the corner, both in a retro green velvet sat with a low lying teak console table between them. It was stacked with more books - art books by the looks of it. His room was clean and organised, far less cluttered than my shoebox, but also at least four times the size. I sat back on my palms for a moment to take in his space when my hand hit the sharp edge of something under the pillow I had slept on. Curiously, I pulled it out - it was a small sheet of paper, folded over a few times. I unfolded it once, twice and then again.

It was my note.

My heart fell heavy and I folded it back onto itself, putting it back where it was found. I'd made a lot of bad decisions but I think the note was one of the few good ones. I'd never considered myself a credulous person, but there was a part of me who so badly wanted to believe that my note had found him at the right time and hopefully, for the right reason. I wondered when he'd pulled it out again and why.

I noticed Harry had placed my bags by the door for me so I padded over to them to retrieve a few things so I could shower.

The bathroom was something from my architectural dreams. Two large white, stone above-counter basins sat atop of a pearly white vanity with two brushed nickel goose-neck faucets hovering above them. The floor tiles were a wavy-patterned salmon pink and cream marble. With overhead skylights, it bathed the space in natural light. It was probably the nicest bathroom I've ever set foot in.

There was a large, walk in shower adorned with the same tiles and two large overhead shower heads. I turned the tap which was a matching brushed metal, a steady steamy stream emitted. I threw my hair up in a messy bun atop my head and peeled off my underwear before stepping in. I hoped Harry would be ok with me using his bathroom.

I didn't really have any plans for the day. Well I did, but they'd been derailed when my accommodation fell through. Jeans didn't feel right and so I pulled on a pair of black linen pants and tied them high at the waist. It wasn't hot but it wasn't cold either, the sun looked to be working some magic outside so overtop of a black, mesh bralette I threw on a matching linen shirt, leaving it open and cuffing the sleeves up a couple of times.

I noticed the music from downstairs had stopped playing as I made my way back down the stairs. "Harry?" I called out as I reached the living space I'd been familiarised with yesterday. "Harry?" I repeated once more to silence. I spied a hand written note on the bench. I found myself smiling at his messy scrawl.

Gone for a run. Be back soon.
Wifi password if you need it - AjN37J256%
- H

No exes or ohs, no smiley faces or anything of the like. God I hope he wasn't mad. I pottered around the kitchen, adding coffee to the stove-top percolator. This morning would have been so nice if it wasn't for the underlying anxiety I felt for my actions earlier this morning. I really, really hoped Harry wouldn't see it as overstepping a boundary but I needed to be prepared for if it was.

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