91. Slàinte

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A/N: this update comes with an apology for my longest absence yet. Thanks so much for reaching out and asking where I've disappeared to - I'm alive, just real busy! It's your comments and kind words that motivate me, so thank you for always hyping this story up. Much love! Second part coming tomorrow x

I walked Harry to an awaiting golf cart that would drive him around the outskirts of the property and deliver him to the stage he was born to stand on. We passed rows of large trucks parked and ready to begin the pack down as soon as the show concluded. Hidden behind them, I felt comfortable being this close with Harry.

It still overwhelmed me how gargantuan his shows were. It was highlighted here especially, where the stage was only a temporary addition to the castle grounds, set up solely for him. The planning and logistics that would go into a show like this overwhelmed me and I wasn't involved in the slightest. I used to freak out over organising door spots for a sold out show of my own for only two hundred people.

Jeff and Glenne were with us too, alongside a few other members of Harry's team. Everyone one of us visibly excited and buzzing about the enormity of the show; an enormity perhaps we would never truly understand.

The way he'd gripped my hand as we walked towards the cart, you wouldn't be remiss to think he was walking towards an execution or something. I'd truly never noticed these nerves, but then again I hadn't been with him pre-show since Australia, and part of me thought maybe he'd fussed over my own nerves and reservations too much to let on any of his.

His hair had been styled in one of the private dressing rooms set up at the castle. Ironically pointless as we all knew within a song or two his hair would be wildly hanging down his forehead as he danced with a level of enthusiasm that was unmatched.

"Y'know the minute you step foot on that stage you're going to forget you were ever feeling like this" I told him, bumping my shoulder into his to try and pull him from his thoughts.

He'd been looking ahead, at nothing in particular, just stuck in his own mind. He directed his attention towards me the moment I nudged him, his expression softened and he offered a reply by way of another squeeze of my hand. I wish I knew how to talk him down like he did so well for me.

"I promise," I doubled down, emphasising exactly how I knew it would play out. My lips downturned into a pleading pout.

"I know" he murmured softly, gaze now running over the literal sea of people who were all impatiently waiting for him. I couldn't fathom that kind of pressure.

"Give Mitch a big, sloppy kiss for me" I added, trying to lighten things up, "he killed his set."

Harry laughed gently, a puff of air escaping his nose as his lip curled into a half smile. "The sloppiest" he conferred with a nod.

We stopped before the cart and he pulled me into a hug, wrapping his arms around my shoulders.  "Y'sure you don't want to come with me and watch side stage?"

I sucked my lips between my teeth, selfishly, perhaps, telling him no. I wanted to take in the experience wholly, crowd and all. "I'll flash you from the castle, though."

"You promise?" The dimples drilled into his cheeks amongst the sparse stubble, looking down at me with a sparkle of humour in his eyes. I nodded resoundingly, standing on the tips of my toes to kiss him. The second I did, his shoulders dropped and he seemed to relax just a little. The high-octane anxiety within him seemed to drop down a notch ever so slightly.

"Scandalous, Evie" he murmured against me with a dry laugh. I chuckled against his lips while my back arched as he ran his hands lower down my spine, sitting them comfortably at the small of my back. With a hum and a sigh, he took a step back.

Evie | H.S |Where stories live. Discover now