15. Courting

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Enjoy! Let me know what you're liking and where you might want this to go - appreciate all your comments xo

My head in a spin, I raced to our dressing room to grab my things and leave.

"What are you doing Evie?" Tommy called from a few paces behind.

"Leaving" I told him in a panic.

"Do you want me to come?" he asked, now reaching the doorway of our room.

"Absolutely not" I snarled and then quickly realised, it wasn't him I should be mad at - it's me. I quickly apologised with a short "sorry".

Finally out front of the venue, I dumped my guitar case and grabbed my pouch with my tobacco and rolling papers. If there was ever a time I deserved a cigarette, it was now.

I savoured the motion of deep, concentrated breathing as I allowed my lungs to fill and deflate with an exhale. In and out.
In and out.

Spying a taxi up ahead, I dropped my cigarette butt and hailed the car to the curb. I gave the driver the hotel address and sat in silence while my mind continued to race.

I didn't want to indulge and get myself involved so I'd planned to keep things light and instead of doing that, I ended up making things a billion times harder for myself.

I raced up to my room once I reached the hotel, stripping myself off and getting into a piping hot shower, wishing the heat would melt me and I could just circle the drain.

How was I going to get through the next few weeks?

I could try avoid him, but it was inevitable we would eventually come face to face - even if I did distance myself from any social activities with the whole crew.

I got out of the shower after some time, drying my hair for something to focus on other than the torment of my own anxiety.

I changed into a pair of grey sweats and a tank and settled myself into bed. Maybe there'd be something on tv. I flicked through the myriad of channels.

Nope. Nothing.

Sleep it is.

I switched off the light and put my phone down. Harry's set would be over in half an hour. I wondered briefly how it was going. If that girl was dancing side stage. If they would be leaving together. Ugh, probably.

I don't know how long I'd been tossing and turning when there was a knock at my door. It would have to be after midnight. My stomach dropped. Surely not. I stayed stuck. I froze.

The knocking sounded once more. "I know you're in there" the familiar northern English voice slurred. Was he drunk?
I stayed put.

"Evie, I know you're in there....I'll sleep on the ground out here if I have to".

He was unrelenting, the knocking persisted. I gave in, approaching the door slowly. The last thing we needed is a drunk, angry Harry papped in a hotel hallway. I opened it up hesitantly.

Two long, tattooed arms were outstretched holding onto the door frame. He wore black, loose fitting cuffed pants and a white tshirt, stretched out at the neck revealing a peak of the ink that decorated his chest. His green eyes were dark. Angry even.

"What the fuck was that about, Evie?" he spat, as he pushed past me and into my room. Shocked, I closed the door behind me and scrambled to think of an excuse. I didn't have one.

I turned to face him and his eyes could have burned a hole into my face.
"It was nothing...stupid" I mumbled quietly. Almost inaudibly. I suddenly felt like a small child being scolded by a parent.

Childish behaviour means childish consequences, Evie.

"What was that?" His voice so full of anger, I could feel it bounce off every surface in the small room.

"I don't... I don't know" I stammered, feeling honestly close to tears.

"I just don't fucking get you, sometimes, Evie. It's infuriating".

"What do you mean?" I scoffed, "I saw you pretty comfortable with someone else tonight. Why do you care?"

"Oh my god" he exhaled in frustration, "I'm fucking courting you here, Evie. How do you not see that?"

Courting me? What? No.

I remained silent.

"The flowers, the breakfast, the conversations, all of it - have I not made it clear? You're giving me nothing!" He was almost laughing. I'm glad he found this humorous.

"Is this not just a fling? Just what you do?" I retorted.

Harry raked both hands back through his hair, looking irate. "No, this isn't just what I do", he scoffed with air quotes. "Why can't you just let yourself enjoy things?"

I leant up against the wall, defeated.

He continued, "I like you Evie. I've told you that. And then you go and kiss him, after telling me how much he treats you like shit?"

"I know" I muttered quietly. He was right.

He took a step towards me, closing in on the distance I'd created. His large hands clasped my face between them.

"You're maddening, woman". His mouth was so close to mine I could taste the alcohol on his breath confirming he must have been drinking.

My lips parted instinctively and my breath hitched. His nose grazed mine. "Absolutely maddening" he muttered once more, his English drawl fuelled now with frustration and desire.

His lips crashed to mine and he kissed me. Hard. One hand slipped down from my face to my neck and the other grabbed my breast, pushing me up against the wall. He bit onto my bottom lip, pulling at it. He then pushed his knee between my legs and pulled away briefly.

"Take the fucking sweats off" he demanded. The anger channeling into something carnal. I struggled with the tie on my waistband as he continued to kiss me hungrily. As I dropped them to my feet, he released me, allowing me to step out of them and he swiftly moved me over to the desk, knocking all of my belongings to the floor in the process.

As quickly as had me bent over the desk, a hand firmly slapped my behind, eliciting a giggle from my lips.
"See? Fucking maddening" he growled, pulling my underwear to the side.

I could feel the heat radiating the place on my skin his hand had struck. I'm sure I'll have a mark tomorrow.

I heard the quick rip of foil and the unbuttoning of his pants and I inhaled sharply between my teeth as he slammed into me. One hand gripped my waist as he began to move in and out of me with rigour, his other hand snaked up my chest and around my throat as his chin dug into my shoulder. He encouraged me to turn my head and kiss him deeply and I did.

Our tongues collided as he pumped into me faster and faster. I broke the kiss, panting and feeling near. He trailed kisses down my neck and across my shoulder.

"Harry, I'm going to... oh fuck" I trailed off, moaning as he pushed into me harder and I came undone. Harry was only a second or two behind me.

His forehead pressed into my back as we stood silently, the sound of our breathing trying to steady between us.

Harry took a step back and made his way to the bathroom. I stood briefly waiting for him to return but heard the shower turn on so I retreated to the bed, in a complete daze.

What on earth was going on?

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