86. Good news, all round

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"So it totally skipped my mind earlier to tell you some other good news" I spoke towards my phone that sat on the opposing pillow as I laid in bed.

"Oh yeah?" There was something comforting about Harry's voice coming from the pillow his curls would usually be fanned out onto.

"Y'know my bassist, Sam?"

"Yeah, 'course."

"He's gone and knocked up his fiancé..."

Harry's hearty chuckle sounded from beside me as I rolled onto my stomach, just imagining he was really there. "That's a pretty poetic way to word it." His tone dripped in sarcasm.

"I could have said he raw-dogged her" I bit back.

"Eve, c'mon" he groaned, though I could tell he saw the humour in it. I could just imagine the way he'd be rubbing at his temples, trying to hide the fact that he found it funny.

"Anyway" I giggled, "so he's getting married in August".


"Shotgun, yeah" I confirmed. "You're invited too..."

"I am?" Harry sounded surprised. Maybe it was too soon for the plus-one wedding guest thing.

Baby steps, Evie. Jesus.

"Yeah, I mean I know you don't know him well so no pressure..." I began to babble and back-track nervously.

I'd never really had anyone that wanted to do the whole serious, plus-one thing with me. I was always made to feel like it was chore. Flashbacks of begging Tommy to come to my best friends twenty-first birthday came to mind. He didn't want to because I'd warned him he'd have to be on his best behaviour. He'd tell me he'd consider it if something better didn't come up. I was a second option. Never the priority.

"If you don't want to, that's cool too. I get it, he's my friend...and it's so soon...and all the way in Australia..."

"Eve, shush" he cut me off sternly, no doubt hearing my panic. "If they're you're friends, they're my friends too. I'll be there."

I wanted to smush my face into the pillow below me, I was that overwhelmed at how starkly different Harry was to anyone I'd ever been with. Even miles apart, he was able to make me feel wanted and cared about. The power that such few words yielded when they came from his lips was out of this world.

"I'd be so lucky to be hanging off your arm, darling" he added with a chuckle that made the apples of my cheeks tight.

Kicking my feet behind me, I felt like a teenager hiding under the blanket talking to a a boy she liked. We'd been talking for hours and I had no plans on hanging up just yet.

"Are you in bed?"

I hummed a 'yes'.

"What are you wearing?"

Pressing the speaker off, I held my phone to my ear and rolled back onto my back. "Are you trying to phone-bone me, Harry?"

I could hear distant laughing, like he'd pulled his phone away from his face so that it wouldn't invade my eardrums.

Evie | H.S |Where stories live. Discover now