57. Unavoidable

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A dip and shift of weight on the mattress awoke me gently. I could hear the buzz of the early morning traffic in the street below as a hand pried my thighs to seperate. My eyes were still fluttered shut; lazily I was still somewhere between sleep and consciousness, not ready to accept daylight just yet.

My back arched in anticipation of my wake up call as two strong hands brushed the fabric of my oversized band tshirt up over my hips, leaving me exposed under the sheets. A voice chuckled as I wriggled under the hot breath that hit my core.

"Good morning, Evie" I mumbled, my head slightly lifted off the pillow, my hips drawing a lazy figure-eight beneath the tease.

"Shh" his voice hushed, "you don't have to wake up just yet". My head tipped back onto the soft pillow under my neck while goosebumps began to pucker up my legs, anticipating touch.

Soft, wet kisses peppered along my inner thighs. Every few would be intensified by a dip of a strong tongue. Lighter. Lighter. Heavier. Lighter again. The back of my wrist found my parted lips, I giggled into my own skin as I tried my best to stay still under the tantalising tease.

A flat, repetitive stroke of the tongue started to run up my folds. Over and over, only a brief moment between lashings, I continued to writhe under the sheets as the tongue applied more and more pressure. "This is teasing" I rasped, bringing my hands to my face once more. The tongue continued to breeze past my clit which was stimulated and begging for a heavier, more focussed touch.

I heard another chuckle below the sheets before it amped up. Two hands pressed my thighs apart further, fingers spreading me apart to allow the tongue to finally focus on the area I needed it most. A breathy whine left my lips as it did, each lapse striking me like pleasurable lightning.

"Is that what you wanted, hm?" The voice was a muffled utterance as his mouth spoke against me. His hot breath exacerbating the humidity beneath the sheets. I nodded against my pillow, eyes still wired shut.

"Answer me" the voice growled against me. "Is that what you wanted? Use your words".

"Y-yes" I breathily stammered.

"Good girl". I could hear the smirk. I could feel it against me. My fingers grabbed at the sheets as the tongue pressed harder and inside of me, twisting and lapping me up at a heightened intensity.

With a gasp, my fingers found his curls as I balled them in a fist. Two fingers had thrust inside of me, pressing against every sweet wall that caused me to cry out.

"You did always like that" he chuckled again. "And fuck I've missed doing that".

My response was nothing more than a whiny hum as the two fingers continued to press into me, knuckles punching against me with each deep thrust. Without a wanting to do so, my hips continued to buck upright, riding his fingers as the pleasure intensified.

My stomach felt like a weight of steel, the pleasure building from my core and out to each lim, weighing me as my hands fell down by my side. Two fingers swiftly exited me, lips latching onto my clit, sucking and the tongue circling, quickly enticing me to the edge.

My back arched and my toes curled, every muscle in my body coiled like a tight spring ready to unravel and bounce. At the heady precipice I stood, toeing the line between falling and succumbing to a sweet numbness or fighting against the over stimulating pleasure.

A thumb now took over my clit, circling me wildly as I continued to tense in anticipation of the wild rush.

"I want to watch you" the voice spoke, slowly snaking up my body, fingers continuing to work their magic.

Evie | H.S |Where stories live. Discover now