105. Pinetop blues

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A/N: hiiii angels. There's been quite a few updates in the space of a few days so make sure you check you've read all of them before you read this. Wattpad can be a bit cooked sometimes with update notifications. Hope you like this and let me know your thoughts. Love you 💕

Admittedly, I took my sweet time in the shower. I think I needed a moment to breathe and to reflect. Our conversation was bittersweet and while it felt conclusive, there was still a slight openness to the wound I wasn't sure would ever heal over completely. I had the opportunity to tell him I loved him, too. But what good would that do?

When Harry and I were good, we were so good. But so good sometimes didn't justify the other bullshit that came along with it at all those other times. Harry deserved more than the way he felt when we were together. Sometimes the best pairings on paper just aren't meant to be, and that was ok. I was just relieved that we'd found some sort of resolve and I was going to be able to leave Italy with us leaving things in a good place. That was more than I'd expected, and all I had ever wanted, coming here.

Avoiding heading downstairs. I took some time to blowout my hair with the dryer in Harry's ensuite and put on a little bit of makeup. I had no idea what today would bring so some vintage blue Levi's and my very worn Frank Zappa baby tee seemed like a good, casual option. I slipped on a pair of converse and eventually coaxed myself downstairs towards the light strum pattern of a guitar.

"There she is!" Tom, who was sat beside Harry who sat with a black resonator guitar on his lap, stood as I emerged. He eyed off my shirt and remarked, "in the Zappa, too!"

"Hey mate" I smiled, holding onto his upper arm as he kissed my cheek gently. "You can borrow it anytime you like!"

"Did you find everything ok, Eve?" I know Harry well enough to know that this question roughly translated to 'are you ok'. I nodded softly with a smile, acknowledging his subtle check-in.

"I thought we'd be seeing you after the show, but you bolted pretty quick. Saw the back of ya before I could say goodbye" Tom chuckled.

"I'm somewhat of a track-star" I smirked, my eyes flitting to Harry's and he had the same smirk on.

Harry with the guitar in his lap, also had his notes app open on his phone beside him, I noticed. "Are you guys writing?"

I moved to sit down on the lone, suede armchair that sat opposite the opposing modular couch that Tom returned to, by Harry's side. I curled my legs up under me.

"Not really, just hanging out" Tom said, pulling up the bottom hem of his red hoodie to reveal a white band tshirt.

"I've got people coming tomorrow for a bit of a celebration" Harry then added. "Lunch and drinks in the arvo, got some family and close friends coming round....Tom's crashing a couple nights."

"Yeah, you missed out on the party after the final show, dude" Tom directed to Harry. "It was a big night" he emphasised the word 'big' dramatically.

"So I heard" Harry laughed dryly with a knowing roll of the eyes.

I felt a pang of guilt which I knew deep down was silly because I'd tried to slip away quietly and hadn't asked anything more of Harry than to have a good night celebrating with the people he loved. He followed me out.

We spent some time catching up in the quaint lounge room. Shelves were lined with books, vinyl records and DVDs, though not as vast as those in Harry's London house. Tom had been working hard in LA, executive producing a band from Canada that I was familiar with and really liked, as well as writing a bunch with other artists.

"Speaking of" he diverted. "How's the album coming along?"

"So good" I smiled. "Heaps quicker than I'd expected, too. We're almost done."

Evie | H.S |Where stories live. Discover now