10. La vie en rose

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Just a lil something. Enjoy and tell me your thoughts! X

I rose around 8:30am. Aside from a slight ache down there, I felt otherwise well rested. I'd fallen asleep not long after Harry had left and surprisingly I didn't feel hungover either. I also had a realisation - the world hadn't completely collapsed and no one died. Maybe things would be ok? Maybe my conniptions were for nothing.

I knew I had to be at the stadium for a soundcheck at 3:30 in the afternoon so I had plenty of time ahead of me. I pulled myself out of bed and put the kettle on in my little kitchenette, pouring myself a black coffee before calling Annie to check in on her.

Actually who was I kidding, I just needed to vent.

"You're up early" she chimed, answering my call, "or maybe you still haven't slept...please tell me you slept - I need you looking after yourself."

I laughed at her over the top concern. "I'll have you know I was planning on heading to the gym after we speak."

She cackled dramatically. "Who are you?!"

"And as for sleep...I did sleep" I paused briefly, "...with someone."

"Evie May, if it was Tommy I'll be on a flight to Perth or wherever you are right now and belt you, I swear to God" she scolded.

"Nope, wasn't Tom" I assured and she gasped.

"Was it...Harry?" She nearly spoke his name in a whisper of disbelief.

"Mhm" was all I divulged and Annie gasped again, with far more drama this time.

"I know you Evie...how are you actually feeling today?" she asked sincerely.

"Honestly, I'm ok. I think I worked myself up so much and then it happened and the world didn't end, y'know?"

"But you're probably still revelling in a bit of post-fuck bliss" she shot back. I could hear the concerned edge to her voice.

"I really think I'll be ok, An. It happened...no one has to know, so no one will think less of me. All of that anxiety - it was in my head."

And I was being honest. I had catastrophised the situation to the point where once it was done, I almost felt relaxed. It was an anti-climax, for want of a better word.

"Did he stay over?"Annie asked.

"Nope" I assured her, finding my lips curl into a smile as I spotted the mug he'd been drinking out of only hours earlier.

"Good, probably for the best" she sighed. "Now tell me, out of ten..."

I laughed and spilled some details, filling her in on the lead up to aforementioned events. I was giddy which was far nicer than my usual default of anxious over-thinking.

"Just promise me if your head starts to get a bit cooked again, you'll call me?" Her request came with a a sincere concern only a best friend would offer.

"Yes sir" I quipped, trying to shake the seriousness of her request. "I love you An, I'll talk to you soon."

"Love you too Eve. Be good."

I finished my coffee and chucked my hair on top of my head in a messy bun. I pulled on some tights and chucked on a very worn sweater, grabbing my EarPods before heading to the elevator to make my way to the gym.

Reaching the floor I did a quick scroll through my Spotify, deciding Tame Impala would be the go before I pushed open the heavy door and entered the hotel gym which, to my relief, looked to be empty. I made my way straight to one of the treadmills. I wasn't a gym girly by any means, but I tried to engage in bit of cardio here and there as it was good for my singing and I was trying to counteract my terrible habits impact on my lung capacity.

Evie | H.S |Where stories live. Discover now