30. Water cooler conversation

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"Oh you're awake" Harry playfully beamed as he was sat with his legs crossed in an armchair in the corner of his hotel room.

My hands reached to my face, pressing into my temples, a headache brewing as a result of a few too many late nights and the drink.

"What time is it?" I croaked, propping myself up against the bedhead.

"Just after midday". He smirked and let a foot bounce to an imaginary beat.


"Why didn't you wake me?" A panic surged as I rolled over to check my phone to confirm, yes - it was after midday and I'd missed my flight home.

"You needed the sleep" he shrugged casually, returning his focus to the laptop on his lap. His demeanour dangerously calmer than mine.

"But my sister...fuck. I'll have to find another flight... shit...fuck" I scrambled in a huff.

"Already spoke to her" he stated plainly, his eyes now locked on me from behind his laptop screen.

"But my alarm?"

"Turned it off" he closed his laptop nonchalantly, sat back in the seat and rest both forearms on the arms of the chair, his wrists dangling off its edges.

"Shit" I hissed once more, burying my face onto my pillow. I felt a shift of weight on my mattress and I rolled over to see him at my side.
"Jesus, Harry" I groaned, "I'm meant to've been back in Melbourne by now".

"You needed the sleep" he muttered, guiding my head to lay in his lap. He gently pushed the hair out from my face. "...and I'm kidnapping you".

I shot him a suspect side-eye. "You're kidnapping me?"

"Yes" he confirmed in a higher octave, a sparkle of mischief bedazzled his eyes and drilled a dimple into his cheek. "We've a couple of days before the Melbourne shows, did you really want to be spending them without me?"

"I have work I have to do" I whined, totally ignoring his question because he knows the answer; three days was far too many to be spent away from him now - but I wouldn't tell him that.

Lord how was I going to survive the end of this?

"I was going to try get on top of some work stuff before I'm back in the office".

"Well that's fine," Harry assured, placing a gentle kiss on my forehead "I've booked a studio for later this afternoon anyway - you can get your work done then".

I'd dragged myself into the shower, thankful that I'd let up and followed my sisters advice to just move my stuff into Harry's room because all of my products were here.

"Are you hungry?" A head popped in through the ajar door. I nodded softly, letting the hot water run over me. "Good, I've ordered for you".

Wrapped up in a warm, white fluffy robe I sat down opposite Harry at the small round table in his bedroom. I had a gorgeous view of Sydney behind me and an equally gorgeous plate of steaming pancakes on the table before me; I couldn't decide which I wanted to look at more.

"Was he a big drinker?" Harry asked, totally out of the blue amongst what had been a normal, run of the mill conversation over a very late breakfast. I almost choked on my pancakes.

"Tommy, I mean" he continued quietly, looking up at me through furrowed brows as he stabbed at a blueberry.

I don't want to go hereeeeeee.

"Yeah, he was. Amongst, um, other things" I responded shakily.

Harry didn't respond but nodded solemnly; his silence leaving space for me to go on, although I didn't really want to.

Evie | H.S |Where stories live. Discover now