Chapter 3

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Eren's heart races with apprehension upon learning that Mikasa and Armin have arrived at their doorstep. "Mikasa and Armin are here? How did they even track this place down?"

"They likely followed our children here. Today marks the 10th year since Mikasa ended your life," Aya explains calmly. "Are you planning to disclose the truth to them or continue hiding?"

"I'm not prepared to reveal everything. I've caused them enough pain in the past. But I have to move forward. Eren Yeager is gone. I'm Eren Kruger now," Eren states resolutely.

"And remember, we're all here to support you. We won't let anyone harm you," Aya reassures him.

As Eren faces Mikasa and the others, they are left speechless, unable to believe the person standing before them. Mikasa, her voice trembling, asks, "Eren... is that truly you?"

"My name is Eren, Eren Kruger," Eren insists, choosing to deceive them. "Is there something that requires my treatment?"

Jean reacts immediately, grabbing Eren's collar. "Cut the act, Yeager."

Confounded, Eren attempts to feign ignorance. "What are you talking about? I don't know you. If you're referring to the savior of Paradis, that's not me..."

They release him, stunned by his denial. Armin steps forward, apologizing, "I'm sorry for my friend's behavior, but your voice and appearance... they resemble Eren Yeager's."

"I often hear that from some of my patients," Eren responds calmly. "But isn't he deceased? He sacrificed himself for the safety of the island. If you're not here for treatment, I must return to prepare dinner for my children."

Mikasa interjects, "Eren, why persist with these lies?"

Puzzled, Eren asks, "How do you think I'm lying?"

"Your ear is red! You're our Eren, right? Why are you trying to distance yourself?" Mikasa pleads. "Please, stop deceiving us and tell us the truth..."

Eren releases a heavy sigh, realizing the futility of continuing the charade. "Fine. You're right. Ten years ago, I was the infamous Eren Yeager, known as the devil. But the old Eren Yeager is gone, and I've assumed the identity of Eren Kruger."

Mikasa and Armin exchange bewildered glances, their expressions a mixture of shock and confusion. "How are you still alive? Why didn't you tell us?" Armin asks, seeking clarification.

"No one should be aware that I'm alive," Eren states firmly. "Not even you. I wish for you to forget that I'm alive and leave me be."

Turning to Aya, Eren offers an apology. "I'm sorry, Aya. I need to return to cooking for my two children. I'll explain everything to you later."

Understanding the situation, Aya nods in acknowledgment as Eren retreats to the kitchen. She addresses Mikasa and the others, "Why don't you come in and have a seat?"

As the group settles into the sofas, Erich and Fay are intentionally kept away at Gloria's house to prevent their involvement in the conversation. Aya takes the lead in addressing Mikasa and the others, expressing regret for Eren's behavior. "I apologize for my husband. All of us who reside with him strive to move forward, to leave the past behind."

Annie's voice holds a note of disbelief. "So, you're aware that your husband is the one responsible for the deaths of billions, and yet you married him and started a family?"

Aya nods solemnly. "We were all once deceased, revived by Founder Ymir a few weeks later. But now, we've chosen to cast aside our guilt and animosity, desiring nothing more than a peaceful, ordinary life in this secluded part of the island."

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