Chapter 6

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As Erich and Fay bring Carla to meet Laura and Wade, Laura curiously asks, "Who's she, Erich? She looks scared."

Erich reassures, "This is Carla. She's our friend. Don't worry, she's shy, but she'll be okay."

"Hi, Carla! Don't be scared. We're nice." Wade tries to comfort her, but Carla remains cautious, hiding behind Erich, her eyes wide with apprehension.

Wade leans closer to Erich and whispers, "She seems to trust you."

"Stop it," Erich mutters back, slightly embarrassed.

Laura suggests, "Shall we explore the other side of the forest? We might find some bears for our parents."

"Bears? Are there bears here?" Carla asks nervously.

"Don't worry, Carla. We're with you. There's no need to be afraid," Erich assures her in a calming tone.

As the five children venture through the forest in search of bears, their quest takes an unexpected turn. Instead of the bears they anticipated, they hear unfamiliar voices. Wade's eyes widen as he whispers, "Did you guys hear that? Sounds like someone's coming."

Suddenly, three armed individuals appear, their guns aimed squarely at the children. "What do we have here? A group of kids wandering around in the forest," one of the strangers remarks.

"Are you lost, kiddos? This isn't a safe place for you to be," another adds, eyeing them suspiciously.

"We're not lost. We live around here. Why are you pointing your guns at us?" Fay questions with a hint of fear in her voice.

The men remain silent, instead exchanging looks. One of them sneers, "Looks like three girls and two boys. What do you say we do with them?"

"We'll take out the boys and sell the girls. They'll fetch a pretty penny," another decides callously.

Erich's eyes widen in alarm, sensing the impending danger. "Run!"

The children scramble to flee from the armed men, but one of the assailants manages to grab hold of Carla, causing her to scream in terror.

"Carla!" Erich's voice rings out in panic as he races after the men.

"Erich, stop!" Fay cries out, but Wade restrains her. "We need to get help from Mr. Kruger."

"But Erich and Carla..." Fay protests, torn between her concern and the need to seek assistance. Finally, she grits her teeth and races back home to alert Eren and Aya.

Erich stealthily follows the three men to a house, where he finds Carla tied up and crying on the floor. "I have to do something. I can't just wait for Mom and Dad."

Recalling his father's words, he murmurs to himself, "If we don't fight, we won't win."

Haunted by memories of the Rumbling, he closes his eyes momentarily and whispers, "No, I have to save her now."

Inside the house, the three men deliberate on what to do with Carla. "Will she fetch a good price?"

"She looks alright, but she's just a kid. Not my cup of tea," remarks the second man.

"Her ethnicity matters more. We'll take her to the Underground market in the capital and sell her to those wealthy old men."

Carla, shivering in tears, mutters, "It's cold..."

Suddenly, a knock on the door startles the men. "Those pesky kids again?" one of them grumbles.

"They're likely here to rescue their friend. Let's deal with them quickly." As the first man opens the door, a bullet pierces through his chest, and he collapses.

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