Chapter 16

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The tranquility of the household is abruptly shattered as the children burst in, their faces etched with alarm. Eren, immediately sensing something amiss, probes, "What's wrong? Why do all five of you look so panicked?"

Fay, somewhat breathless, takes charge and reveals, "Dad, we found five people concealed behind a tree. Two of them were Mr. and Ms. Arlert from earlier."

This revelation induces a collective widening of eyes among the occupants. "Armin and Annie? And the other three?" Eren queries urgently.

Gloria steps in to provide clarity, "Connie Springer, Reiner Braun, and Pieck Finger. They've been eavesdropping on us for quite some time."

"And you're only disclosing this now?" Aya's expression tightens with concern, directing her inquiry at Gloria. Historia, joining in the growing unease, inquires, "So, what's our strategy regarding them?"

Eren takes charge, his voice resolute, "It's time to address this situation. Preferably, Aya and I will engage them in a conversation alone."

"Are you absolutely sure you don't want our support?" Mikasa interjects, her concern palpable.

"Have no fear," Aya reassures the group, attempting to assuage their worries as they collectively move towards the door, ready to confront the unexpected visitors lurking outside.

Behind the concealment of the tree, Connie's voice drifts in a hushed whisper, "It's Eren and his wife..."

Within earshot, Eren's commanding voice reverberates, "I'm aware of your presence, Armin. Instead of skulking around, why not step forward for a conversation? Do you find amusement in spying on our private affairs?"

Armin exchanges nervous glances with the others, Reiner's concern evident as he asks, "What's the strategy?"

"I'll take charge," Armin decides with a firmness in his tone. "Remain concealed until I signal you."

As Armin emerges from his hiding spot, Eren fixes him with a chilling gaze, demanding, "Where are the other four? My children mentioned they spotted three Marley Eldians and Connie with you."

"For now, I've instructed them to stay hidden," Armin responds composedly. "But I have several inquiries for you, Eren."

"Likewise," Eren retorts. "Remember when we met a few weeks ago? You promised to keep my survival a secret, and yet you disclosed it to Reiner, Connie, and Pieck right after. Care to explain?"

"They needed to know the truth," Armin defends. "Especially considering the chaos caused by the Rumbling."

"Is that so?" Eren strides forward with determination, delivering a forceful blow to Armin that sends him reeling to the ground, his anguished groan piercing the stunned silence enveloping the group. Shock ripples through everyone present, their faces etched with disbelief at Eren's unexpected and forceful action.

"This brings back memories, doesn't it?" Eren's voice, tinged with a mix of remorse and frustration, echoes in the charged atmosphere. "The last time I resorted to this was at Nicolo's restaurant, the time you attempted to confront Mikasa. That was my misstep. But have you realized, the last time I encountered them, we were adversaries?"

Struggling to rise, Armin grapples with the pain as he stares at the ground, his features contorted in discomfort. Aya, her voice laced with a mix of concern and reproach, interjects, "Perhaps we overlooked your disclosure to Connie, but revealing it to Reiner and Pieck? The former Armored and Cart Titans? You were indeed fortunate that Eren's response was merely a punch." The tension in the air hangs palpably, the repercussions of Eren's actions reverberating throughout the assembled group, fraught with apprehension over the escalating situation.

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