Chapter 4

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Mikasa and Jean return to their house, their expressions weighed down by the revelation of Eren's survival. Carla, their young daughter, picks up on their subdued mood. "Mom, Dad, why do you both look so sad?"

Jean ruffles Carla's hair, offering a reassuring smile. "Oh, it's nothing, sweetie. We're just a bit worn out from today. How about meeting some new friends tomorrow?"

Carla's eyes light up with enthusiasm. "Yes, please! I'd love that!"

Mikasa looks at Jean with concern. "Are you sure about this, Jean? Do you really want Carla to meet Eren?"

"Considering how Eren interacts with kids, it might help him become more open with us," Jean explains. "But hold on... I think I've seen his wife somewhere before."

"Aya Neumann, that's her name," Mikasa recalls, a revelation dawning upon her. "I remember now... she was part of the group of Scouts involved in the incident with the bomb placed under Premier Zachary's chair. She used to be aligned with the Yeagerists."

"Really?" Jean reacts with surprise. "That certainly adds a new dimension to things..."

At the same time, Eren and the rest gather around the fire, the four children beside them, as Eren prepares to tell a story. Gloria remarks, "So, those four who came to your house... they were Mikasa, Armin, Jean, and Annie? They were involved in stopping the Rumbling and... in your death."

Eren's expression tightens at the mention of them. "Yes, they were the ones. I've been living in solitude, trying to avoid any contact with them. I'm surprised they managed to track me down... But it's good to know she seems happier with Horse-face."

"It seems she's moved on, yet she still yearns for your trust, as much as she did before," Aya observes.

"Perhaps it's because she's my adoptive older sister," Eren sighs. "Anyway, it's time to tell the kids a story."

"Are you sure you're going to tell them that story?" Odom questions, concern evident in his tone. "It was about what you did."

"I know, but they need to understand," Eren responds. "So, this story is called 'The Rumbling.' Do all of you know what that is?"

Erich nods. "We've heard people talk about it. It was a devastating event that resulted in the deaths of many."

"But nobody has told us how it actually happened," Fay adds with curiosity.

"And that's precisely why I must share this story with you," Eren begins as he opens the storybook. "In the past, there were three walls on the island we live in: Wall Maria, Wall Rose, and Wall Sina. Do you have any idea what those walls are made of?"

"Steel?" "Rocks?" the children suggest. Eren shakes his head, a somber expression on his face. "They're made of Titans."

"Titans like the ones that eat people from the stories you've told us?" Fay inquires, her eyes wide with curiosity.

"No, these are different Titans. They're enormous beings, all about 50 meters tall, and possess the ability to harden their bodies. Until the enemy breached them, people didn't know the truth about the walls."

The children exchange worried glances as Eren continues, sensing their unease. "In this story, we follow a young boy named Grey. Born and raised within the walls, Grey harbors a fervent desire to explore the world outside. But one fateful day, his home is attacked by the enemy. He loses everything – his mother, his house, and all that was dear to him. It's then that he makes a solemn vow: to eradicate all the enemies beyond the walls."

Eren pauses, allowing the weight of the story to sink in. He notices the children's wide eyes, filled with a mix of curiosity and apprehension, and decides to ease their worries with a reassuring smile. "But don't worry, it's just a story. Do you want to know what happened next?"

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